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1149 produkter
Toppturar i Sunnmørsalpane
Ordinær pris 449,00 krToppturar i Sunnmørsalpane viser fram det mange mener er det flotteste og mest spektakulære skiterrenget i Norge, til glede for deg som leser og skientusiast.
Fra de sunnmørske fjelltoppene ser du utover et fantastisk alpelandskap og rett ned i dype fjorder, og ute ved kystlinja kan du se kveldssola gå ned i Atlanterhavet.
I Sunnmørsalpenes fascinerende natur finner du ditt eget høyst personlige eventyr, uten å måtte stå i kø eller betale mye penger for opplevelser i naturen.
Forfatter Stig J. Helset og fotograf Håvard Myklebust har levd i disse fjellene hele liver, og det ligger mange års arbeid bak Toppturar i Sunnmørsalpane. Her får du grundige turbeskrivelser og ruteskisser fra 88 av de beste toppturene i Sunnmørsalpene innenfor ulike kategorier, korte og lette, lange og krevende og bratte og ekstreme.
Boken ble første gang utgitt i 2015 og kommer nå i ny, oppdatert og utvidet utgave med en rekke nye turer og ruteinntegninger både på turkart og oversiktsbilder. Drøm deg bort med boka en regnværsdag – og realiser drømmene dine på en skredtrygg solskinnsdag.
- Forfatter: Stig J. Helset
- Publisert: 2021
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Norsk
- ISBN: 9788293090946
Toppturer i Norge
Ordinær pris 199,00 krEn praktisk bok med turbeskrivelser og kart med inntegnede ruter til hele 100 topper i hele Norge, fra sør til nord. Du finner også nyttig informasjon om overnatting og transport m.m., og tips til andre severdigheter og turforslag i samme område. Turene egner seg for ulike årstider, og du får også informasjon om hva de ulike turene krever av utstyr og hvilken årstid de egner seg for. Turene har ulik vanskelighetsgrad, men passer for alle turglade i vanlig god form.
ISBN: 9788249130726
Publisert år: 2018
Sider nr: 217
Toppturer rundt Harstad
Ordinær pris 449,00 krToppturer rundt Harstad omfatter topptur og randonee i og rundt Harstad og Kvæfjord, med en hel rekke nærliggende områder og øyer. Den tar for seg området fjell for fjell, med oppturer og nedkjøringer godt markert i kart og bilder.
Dette er guideboka skientusiaster har ventet på! Den åpner en ny fjellverden for tilreisende. Mellom Lofoten og Lyngen ligger et område som er langt mindre kjent, men som tilsammen tilbyr et større mangfold med gode muligheter for førstespor og stillhet på de fleste toppene. Her finner du kystalpint terreng der øyer, fjorder og bratte fjell møtes. Reis til Harstad-regionen og du vil bli forelsket!
- Forfatter: Christian Dramsdahl
- Publisert: 2019
- Innbinding: Heftet
- ISBN: 9788293090786
Toppturer rundt Narvik
Ordinær pris 399,00 krToppturer rundt Narvik inneholder turbeskrivelser til 82 fjell og 6 traverser i Narvik, Skjomen, Ballangen, Efjorden, Tysfjorden, Bogen,Grovfjorden, Gratangen, Lavangen, Hunddalen, Riksgränsen, Björkliden og Abisko.
Da boken Topptur kom i 2004 ble en ny verden åpnet for skientusiaster på begge sider av den norsk-svenske grensen i Nord-Skandinavia. Skisentrene i Narvik, Riksgränsen, Björkliden og Abisko var vel kjent før boken, men nå kom veiviseren til alle de andre fjellene, de som bare kunne nås ved å gå opp.
Siden den gang har randonee / toppturer på ski blitt en folkesport. og nå er forfatter Mikael af Ekenstam tilbake med en ny og oppdatert toppturbok for fjellene rundt Narvik. Nye topper og varianter er lagt til, og boka har flyfotografier med inntegnede ruter.
- Forfatter: Mikael af Ekenstam
- Utgitt: 2015
- Innbinding: Heftet
- ISBN: 9788293090427
Toscana, Umbrien & Marche
Ordinær pris 329,00 krVelkjente danske reisehåndbøker fra Politikens forlag. Guidene inneholder det essensielle ved reisemålet: Beskrivelser av severdigheter, oversikt over aktivitets- og sportstilbud, råd og tips til dem som reiser med barn, samt praktisk informasjon for øvrig. Bøkene byr dessuten på underholdende tematekster og kart, og de er rikt illustrerte. Flotte for kortere turer og populære blant dem som reiser på organiserte opplegg. Hendig lommeformat.
- Publisert: 2024
- Utgave: 10. utgave
- Antall sider: 176
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Dansk
- ISBN: 9788740066333
Tour du Mont Blanc
Ordinær pris 299,00 krAll the information you need to enjoy your mountain trail adventure At 4810m (15,781ft), Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in western Europe, and one of the most famous mountains in the world. The trail (105 miles, 168km) that circumnavigates the massif, passing through France, Italy and Switzerland, is the most popular long distance walk in Europe. The Trailblazer Tour du Mont Blanc guide Includes:60 maps - 12 town and village plans and 50 large-scale walking maps - at 1:20,000 - showing route times, gradients, where to stay, interesting features.
Walking directions, tricky junctions, places to stay and eat, points of interest and walking times are all written onto the maps themselves in the places to which they apply. With their uncluttered clarity, these are not general-purpose maps but fully-edited maps drawn by walkers for walkers. Itineraries for all walkers - whether walking the 105 mile (168km) route in its entirety, or sampling the highlights on day walks and short breaks. Practical information for all budgets - where to stay (campsites, gites, hostels, B&Bs, lodges and hotels), where to eat, what to see. Comprehensive background information - the Alps, flora and fauna, the history of mountaineering and trekking in the region and the conquest of Mont Blanc in 1786 by Bourrit and Balmat. Full public transport information - for all access points. Climbing Mont Blanc - practical information, guides, the route to the top.
Publisert måned: Jun
Publisert år: 2023
Utgave: 3.utg
Sider nr: 189
Train Travel in Europe
Ordinær pris 329,00 krLooking for a sustainable and stress-free way to explore Europe? Hop on board the continent's railway network with this ultimate guide to train travel. Whether you want to take it slow on the scenic route or make the most of the newest high-speed services to get straight to your destination, Lonely Planet's experts show you how to plan your journey. Packed with detailed gatefold route maps and insider tips, we cover everything from how to piece together a long-distance trip to the must-see stops and best ways to book value-for-money tickets.
As airlines cut back flights and airfares rise, now is the perfect time to take advantage of the increasing overnight services and flexible fares being offered. We also reveal the quirks of different operators and countries, such as luggage allowances, rules and regulations, and what facilities are on board. If you're looking for a more eco-friendly, convenient - and sometimes quicker - way to get from A to B as you travel throughout the continent, Lonely Planet's Guide to Train Travel in Europe will equip you to make the most of your time and budget.
High-speed services in France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Spain. Scenic local routes in key countries including the UK and Scandinavia sleeper and long-distance services across the continent.
- Publisert: Februar 2022
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Antall sider: 262
- Innbinding: Innbundet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781838694968
Travel The Liberation Route Europe
Ordinær pris 299,00 krDiscover the sights and experiences along the path of the Liberation Route in Europe with this inspirational, authoritative and beautifully illustrated Rough Guide, published to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. Following the Allied advance through Europe, Rough Guides Travel The Liberation Route Europe explores the important sights related to the Liberation in nine European countries. Features of Rough Guides Travel The Liberation Route Europe:-Detailed regional coverage: provides information on all the important sights linked to the Liberation in nine countries - starting in the UK where much of the planning and preparation took place, then Italy, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany-Evocative features: inspirational biographies of war heroes from all nine countries, authoritative features on the role of colonial troops, war brides, the Prague uprising and many more.
Inter-chapter features reflect upon the Resistance movements, the Holocaust and the liberation of the camps and the post-Liberation reconstruction- Meticulous mapping: always full colour, with clear numbered, colour-coded keys- Fabulous full-colour photography: features inspirational colour photography, including portraits of war heroes and thought-provoking historical images of the Liberation- Experiences: a selection of unique ways to learn more about events of the Liberation: explore the D-Day beaches in an historic D-Day Jeep in Normandy, France or experience the Sunset March - a daily tribute to the Allied Soldiers where a veteran (of any war) walks on the Crossing Bridge with street lamps lighting up with every step - in Nijmegen, Netherlands- Itineraries: carefully planned routes will help you organise your trip, and inspire and inform your on-the-road experiences- Background information: a comprehensive introduction to the end of World War II puts the events of the Liberation in context.
Publisert år: 2019
Utgave: 1utg
Sider nr: 400
Trekking Austria's Adlerweg
Ordinær pris 299,00 krThe Eagle's Way across the Austrian Alps in Tyrol.
A guidebook to Austria's Adlerweg (the Eagle's way) a long-distance trail from St Johann in Tirol in the east, passing through the historic town of Innsbruck at its mid-point before continuing to St Anton am Arlberg in the west. This waymarked 324km trek is presented in 24 stages ranging between 7 and 32km in length, with easier alternate routes provided for the most difficult stages. This guide features 1:50,000 mapping, accommodation details for the start and end points of each stage, which serve hearty meals and refreshments, and details on local transport, planning and local history.
Traversing the North Kakalpen Alps the route passes through the Wilderkaiser, Bradenberger Alpen, Rofangebirge, Karwendelgebirge, Wettersteinebirge and the Lechtaler Alpen ranges, enjoying views as far as Munich and the Swiss Alps. It is the perfect adventure for those looking for an alpine challenge.
- 2023
- Engelsk tekst
Trekking Chamonix to Zermatt
Ordinær pris 349,00 krA guidebook to the classic Chamonix to Zermatt trek from Mont Blanc to the Matterhorn. The 225km Walker's Haute Route through the French and Swiss Alps crosses 11 passes, gains more than 14,000m in height and is a strong contender for the title of Most Beautiful Walk in Europe. The high-level route is described in 14 day stages, with optional variants, and is suitable for walkers with a good level of fitness and some previous alpine trekking experience.
Alongside clear route descriptions and mapping for each stage of the trek, there is essential practical information on travel to Chamonix and return from Zermatt, as well as advice on accommodation in alpine villages and mountain refuges, trekking safety, equipment, itinerary planning and preparation. Taking 2 weeks to complete, this challenging but rewarding trek encompasses views of the greatest collection of 4000m peaks in the Alps - Mont Blanc, the Grand Combin, Dent Blanche, Weisshorn and the Matterhorn - and visits some of the most spectacular valleys, including the Val d'Herens, Val d'Annivers and the Mattertal.
- Forfatter: Kev Reynolds
- Publisert: Juli 2022
- Utgave: 7. utgave
- Antall sider: 252
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781786311382
Trekking in Austria's Hohe Tauern
Ordinær pris 349,00 krA guidebook to four treks in Austria´s Hohe Tauern: the 61km Reichen Group Hut-to-Hut Rucksack Route, the 68km Venediger Group Hut-to-Hut Rucksack Route, the 78km Venediger Glacier Tour and the 99km Glockner Rucksack Route. Whereas the three rucksack routes require only good fitness and mountain walking experience, the glacier tour involves glacier crossings. The Reichen Rucksack Route is presented in 7 stages, the Venediger Rucksack Route in 7, the Venediger Glacier Tour in 8 and the Glockner Rucksack Route in 9.
Also included are optional ascents of neighbouring peaks, including Austria´s highest, the Gross Glockner, some of which may require specialist equipment and mountaineering skills. Clear route description illustrated with 1:50,000 mappingElevation profiles for each trekComprehensive hut directoryDetailed summary of each day´s challenges and any potential hazardsIdeas for linking stages of the routes to complete a traverse of the Hohe Tauern National Park and an ascent of the Gross Glockner.
- Forfatter: Alan Hartley
- Publisert: 2024
- Utgave: 2. utgave
- Antall sider: 288
ISBN: 9781786310644
Trekking in Mallorca GR221
Ordinær pris 319,00 krThis guidebook describes the GR221, a 140km (87 mile) long-distance trail through northwestern Mallorca, from Port d'Andratx to Pollenca. Also known as the 'Ruta de Pedra en Sec' ('the Drystone Route'), the GR221 is a celebration of Mallorca's limestone heritage, taking in many historic drystone structures as it traverses the rocky peaks of the Serra de Tramuntana. Following old stone-paved paths and mule trails, it showcases the region's beautiful landscape of mountains, forests and cultivated terraces, as well as its spectacular coastline.
The GR221 can be walked in 1-2 weeks, although the guide also covers 3 alternative start-points and 3 alternative finishes, which would allow for a shorter trek. The main route is presented in 10 stages of 8.5-20.5km (5-13 miles), with a handful of optional detours to bag neighbouring summits. Detailed route description is accompanied by 1:25,000 mapping and inspirational photography, plus a wealth of information on local points of interest.
Accommodation and travel are also thoroughly covered: the trail boasts good transport links and plentiful facilities on route, with accommodation in welcoming mountain villages and the occasional 'refugi'. A comprehensive introduction offers the opportunity to discover more about the region's diverse plants and wildlife and unique history and culture, and an English-Spanish-Catalan glossary can be found in the appendix. With a favourable climate and stunning scenery, the Serra de Tramuntana has much to tempt the walker.
The GR221 Drystone Route represents an ideal way to explore this fascinating World Heritage Site.
- Forfatter: Paddy Dillon
- Publisert: 2022
- Utgave: 2. utgave
- Antall sider: 212
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781852848507
Trekking in The Alps
Ordinær pris 399,00 krAn inspirational larger format guidebook to 20 summer treks in the Alps across Italy, Austria, Switzerland, France and Slovenia, including the classics such as the Tour of Mont Blanc and lesser-known routes like the Traverse of the Slovenian Alps. Perfect for planning, the treks included are: Tour of Mont Blanc, Tour of the Matterhorn, Tour of Monte Rosa, Walker's Haute Route, Tour of the Jungfrau Region, Tour of the Vanoise and Dolomites AV 1 & 2; (longer trans-Alpine routes) GR5 (Lake Geneva to Nice), Eastern Alps E5, Italian Alps GTA and the Traverse of the Slovenian Alps; and (for the Alpine adventurer) Alpine Pass Route, Tour of the Oisans, Tour of the Queyras, Tour of Mont Ruan, Stubai High Route, Zillertal High Route, Gran Paradiso AV2 and the Ratikon Hoehenweg. Outline schedules for each trek allow you compare the routes and become inspired to take up the challenge.
- Forfatter: Kev Reynolds
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Publisert: 2019
- Antall sider: 256
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781852846008
Trekking in The Stubai Alps
Ordinær pris 229,00 krThis guidebook describes the Stubai Rucksack Route (or Hohen Weg) and the Stubai Glacier Tour, two hut-to-hut trekking routes in the Stubai Alps in the Austrian Tyrol. The Stubai Rucksack Route is an ideal route for the novice mountain walker, and links eight huts without crossing glaciers or difficult passes. The Stubai Glacier Route is a hut-to-hut tour through the best of the Stubai that crosses glaciers and has ample opportunities for ascents of easy peaks.
Both routes can be accomplished in eight to ten days. Both tours are given their own brief introduction with profiles of the route and other vital information to enhance your experience of each area. The routes are illustrated with colour photographs and sketch maps, and the introduction provides vital transport, language, accommodation and equipment information.
Forfattere: Allan hartley
Publisert måned: Jun
Publisert år: Oppdatert: 2018
Utgave: 2.utg
Sider nr: 186
Trekking Italy Grande Traversata delle Alpi
Ordinær pris 349,00 krA guidebook to Italy's Grande Traversata delle Alpi (GTA) trek through the western Italian Alps. The 809km (503 mile) route is presented in 55 stages with each stage ranging from 7-26km (4-16 miles). Beginning at the Nufenen pass at the Swiss border the route traverses the Lepontine, Pennine, Graian, Cottian and Maritime Alps to finish at Ventimiglia on the Mediterranean coast.
With nearly 60,000m of ascent this route is suitable for fit and experienced alpine trekkers. This guidebook contains route description and 1:100,000 mapping for each stage as well as information on the region's history, culture and wildlife. Accommodation, facilities and public transport information is also given to help with trek planning.
Italy's western Alps is an area of high mountain passes, sparkling lakes, clean air, and alpine meadows rich in wildflowers. With a network of paths that enabled travel long before the motor car, the region is ideally suited to exploring on foot. From Switzerland to the Mediterranean, the GTA enables the visitor to travel the old ways through the mountains, hearing the stories, sampling the regional specialties in food and wine, and experiencing the famously warm welcome of the Italian people.
- Forfatter: David Jordan
- Publisert: 2023
- Utgave: 2. utgave
- Antall sider: 296
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781786310408
Trekking Portugal's Rota Vicentina
Ordinær pris 349,00 krA guidebook to walking the 224km (140 mile) Rota Vicentina, between Santiago do Cacém and Cabo de São Vicente. This long-distance trail following Portugal’s Atlantic coastline through the Alentejo and Algarve regions is suitable for all fit walkers and is best experienced Spring and Autumn.
- Presented in 12 stages of 12-24km (7-15 miles) that combines two well-marked routes, the Caminho Histórico (the Historical Way) and the Trilho dos Pescadores (the Fishermen's Trail)
- Guide also describes an alternative circular route for those who would prefer an 11-stage loop, moving inland from Odeceixe and back up to Santiago de Cacém
- Route passes key areas including Cercal do Alentejo, Porto Covo, Vila Nova de Milfontes, Almograve, Zambujeira do Mar, Aljezur, Arrifana, Carrapateira, Vila do Bispo, Sagres, Odemira
- 1:100,000 mapping provided for each stage
- GPX files available to download
- Detailed information on planning, transport and accommodation
- Forfatter: Gillian Price
- Publisert: Nov. 2022
- Antall sider: 112
- ISBN: 9781786311436
Trekking Switzerland’s Jura Crest Trail
Ordinær pris 249,00 krA two week trek from Zürich to Geneva.
This guide presents Switzerland's Jura Crest Trail or Cretes du Jura (also known as the Jura High Route and Swiss national route 5. This 310km long-distance route traverses the sub-alpine mountains of the Swiss Jura from Dielsdorf near Zurich to Nyon on the shores of Lac Leman (Lake Geneva), running roughly parallel to the Swiss-French border. With over 13,500m of ascent, the trail demands a moderate level of fitness and can be comfortably completed in around a fortnight.
The Jura Crest Trail is easily accessed from Zurich and Geneva. The region boasts excellent walking infrastructure and facilities, and although the trail crosses the mountains, you are seldom too far from civilisation. The guide contains all the information you need to plan and walk the route.
You'll find advice on transport and comprehensive details of accommodation and refreshments. The trek itself is presented from east to west in 14 stages of 12-32km, with step-by-step route description accompanied by clear mapping and notes on local points of interest. The Jura Crest Trail boasts far-reaching views of the Bernese Oberland, the Haute Savoie and the Rhine and Rhone Valleys, and is rich in geological, natural and historical interest.
Passing through woodland and alpine meadows and crossing rolling limestone plateaux, highlights include the spectacular amphitheatre of the Creux du Van, the medieval towns of Baden and Brugg, and Lac de Joux, the largest lake in the Jura mountains.
Publisert år: 2019
Sider nr: 179
Trekking The Giant's Trail: Alta Via 1
Ordinær pris 309,00 krItaly's Alta Via 1, a 180km trail through the Italian Alps following the northern flank of the Aosta Valley, boasts magnificent views of the Alpine giants: Mont Blanc, the Matterhorn, the Grand Combin and Monte Rosa. Indeed, it is sometimes known as the Giants' Trail and can be combined with a sister-route, the Alta Via 2 (covered in a separate Cicerone guide), which runs along the southern flank of the valley, to form the Tor des Geants. Stretching from Donnas to Courmayeur, the Alta Via 1 offers fantastic alpine walking, with welcoming refuges and small hotels providing overnight accommodation (and great food) along the way.
The guide presents the route in two sections, for the advantage of those who can't spare the full fortnight-plus needed to walk the entire AV1. The trail is described in 16 stages, with alternative stages covering some popular variants, including an optional detour to visit the famed monastery at the Great St Bernard Pass. Each stage includes clear route description and mapping, plus notes on local points of interest and accommodation options.
An alternative itinerary, list of useful contacts, kitlist and glossary can be found in the appendices. The AV1 crosses cols of nearly 3000m as it traverses the side-valleys of the main Aosta Valley. Suited to those with some of experience of alpine trekking, the walking is demanding but without technical difficulty.
And the rewards are many: quieter huts, breathtaking vistas and a chance to immerse yourself in fabulous mountain landscapes overlooked by soaring, snow-clad giants.
- Forfatter: Andy Hodges
- Publisert: Februar 2021
- Antall sider: 192
- ISBN: 9781852849924
Trekking The GR5 Trail: Vosges and Jura
Ordinær pris 249,00 krGuidebook to a 687km (427 mile) trek through eastern France, traversing the Vosges and the Haut-Jura plateau. The route follows the GR53 from Wissembourg to Schirmeck, before picking up the central section of the GR5 from Schirmeck to Nyon on Lake Geneva, taking in wooded and grassy hills, river gorges and fascinating castle ruins.
- Publisert: April 2017
- Antall sider: 208
- Innbinding: Heftet
- ISBN: 9781852848125
Trekking the GR7 in Andalucia
Ordinær pris 339,00 krThe GR7 is one of Europe's longest GR long-distance routes, stretching from Tarifa, the southernmost town of continental Europe, through Spain, Andorra and France to Alsace. This guide presents the Andalucian section of the route, which offers well over 700km of fantastic walking through the diverse landscapes of one of Spain's most evocative regions. The route splits at the small village of Villanueva de Cauche, and the guide describes both the northern and southern variants.
Although walking is on good footpaths, country tracks and, occasionally, minor roads, some of the stages are long and can involve considerable ascent, meaning that a good level of fitness is required. The full Andalucian GR7 takes well over a month to walk; however, the guide also includes suggestions for highlight sections that can be walked in a week or fortnight. In addition to clear route description, mapping and elevation profiles, the guide provides background information on local history, plants and wildlife, and advice for planning your trip, such as when to go, what to take and where to stay.
The route showcases Andalucia's rich history and culture and varied landscapes, which include pine forests, semi-arid desert, snow-capped peaks, fertile plains, lush valleys, olive groves, cultivated terraces and hills of cork woodland. Historic towns and traditional whitewashed villages offer overnight accommodation and a chance to sample local cuisine.
- Forfatter: Guy Hunter-Watts
- Publisert: Oktober 2021
- Utgave: 3. utgave
- Antall sider: 320
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781852849955
Trekking the Kungsleden
Ordinær pris 329,00 krSweden's most famous long-distance trail, the Kungsleden (King's Trail) traverses the land of the Sami people and the midnight sun, stretching 460km between Abisko and Hemavan. Around half the route lies within the Arctic Circle showcasing an ever-changing landscape of snowy mountains, deep glacial valleys, open fell, expansive lakes and verdant forest. The fully waymarked trail is comprised of five continuous and distinct sections: these can be walked individually or a thru-hike will take around a month.
The guide also includes the popular Abisko to Nikkaluokta circuit, which can be completed in a week, and an ascent of Kebnekaise, Sweden's highest peak at 2098m. In addition to clear route description and mapping, you'll find a wealth of practical advice covering accommodation and facilities, equipment and resupply and detailed notes on how to get to and from the section start and finish-points. A Swedish and Fell Sami glossary can be found in the appendix.
Although there are plentiful opportunities for wild camping, three of the five trail sections are equipped with huts (many including a shop and a sauna) making them easily accessible to all. The remaining two sections have a more remote feel that will appeal to those intent on finding some solitude. To add further colour, there are seven mandatory lake crossings on the trail with the option of rowing or using the motorised service: full details are provided in the text.
The Kungsleden passes through five national parks, including Sarek. Other highlights include the striking Tjaktjavagge glacial valley and the famous hay meadows of Aktse, perfectly framed by the azure Lajtavrre delta and the sheer chiselled face of Skierrffe. The Kungsleden invites you to step into a new world, and it may well prove to be the start of a long and rich association involving many repeated visits.
- Forfatter: Mike Laing
- Publisert: Juni 2021
- Antall sider: 272
- ISBN: 9781852849825
Trekking the Peaks of the Balkans Trail
Ordinær pris 339,00 krA guidebook to the Peaks of the Balkans Trail, a circular route through the wild and rugged borderlands of Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo. The 192km trail winds its way through the spectacular scenery of the Prokletije Mountains (the southernmost range of the Dinaric Alps), taking in high passes, sweeping valleys and striking limestone peaks. It can be completed in around two weeks: the walking itself is not difficult though the route passes through some remote areas and demands a moderate level of fitness.
The guide presents the trail in 10 daily stages and also includes suggestions for excursions to bag neighbouring peaks and visit local sites of interest. Comprehensive route description is accompanied by mapping and colour photos. Welcoming guesthouses and homestays offer accommodation and delicious local cuisine on route, though camping is also a possibility.
You will find everything you need to plan a successful trip: guidance on how to get to the route, advice on when to go, where to start your trek and what to take, and information on cross-border permits. Appendices include accommodation listings, useful contacts and an English-Albanian-Montenegrin glossary.
- Forfatter: Rudolf Abraham
- Publisert: 2023
- Antall sider: 160
- ISBN: 9781852847708
Trekking The Robert Louis Stevenson Trail
Ordinær pris 319,00 krRobert Louis Stevenson's 'Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes' is a classic of travel literature. The GR70 long-distance trail is based on the author's route, allowing walkers to follow in the footsteps of Stevenson and his four-legged companion Modestine through the beautiful Cevennes region on the edge of France's Massif Central. The route is ideal for both first-time trekkers and more experienced hikers, covering around 272km of gently undulating countryside from Le-Puy-en-Velay to Ales.
It can be completed in under a fortnight. The trail is presented in 12 stages of 16 to 30km, each with clear route description and mapping, an elevation profile, notes on local points of interest and a brief account of Robert Louis Stevenson's experiences on that section of the route. There is useful advice for planning your trip - including when to go, what to take and how to get there - and accommodation listings.
Following drove roads, bridleways and footpaths, the GR70 showcases the landscapes of the Cevennes: wildflower meadows, rolling hills, chestnut woods, limestone gorges and meandering rivers. Characterful villages provide accommodation and other services and offer an opportunity to sample the delicious local produce. There are also glimpses into the region's fascinating history, from pre-historic burial sites to locations associated with the eighteenth-century Protestant Camisards who resisted religious persecution.
While many things have undoubtedly changed since Stevenson's visit, the area retains its authentic rural charm and you will soon discover just why Stevenson found it so appealing.
- Publisert: Februar 2021
- Utgave: 3. utgave
- Antall sider: 128
- ISBN: 9781852849184
Trekking the Swiss Via Alpina
Ordinær pris 349,00 krA guidebook to the Swiss Via Alpina, a 400km (250 mile) trek east-to-west across Switzerland, from Sargans to Montreux on Lac Leman (Lake Geneva). Previously the Alpine Pass Route, the Via Alpina (VA) is a fully waymarked Swiss national trail that involves nearly 23,000m of ascent and descent over roughly 3 weeks of trekking - a serious challenge suitable for experienced trekkers. The main route is described in 19 stages of 12-29km (8-18 miles), as well as a 27km (17 mile) prologue stage from Liechtenstein and detour stages via Lenk and Gsteig.
Comprehensive route description is accompanied by 1:100,000 mapping, route profiles, facilities listings and advice on safety, transport, accommodation and language. Crossing 16 Alpine passes, the VA showcases some of the Switzerland's most breathtaking mountain landscapes, from flower-strewn meadows to snow-capped peaks including the majestic Todi, Titlis, Wetterhorn, Eiger, Jungfrau and Wildstrubel. Accommodation options range from mountain huts to hotels and inns, with camping available at licensed sites along the route.
- Forfattere: Kev Reynolds
- Publisert: Juli 2023
- Utgave: 4. utgave
- Antall sider: 216
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781786311603
Trekking the Tour des Combins
Ordinær pris 349,00 krThe definitive guidebook for the Tour des Combins: the new bucket list trek in the Swiss/Italian Alps. A superb alternative to the more famous Tour du Mont Blanc. Two-way guide: both clockwise and anti-clockwise routes are described in full. Real Maps: full mapping inside (1:40,000), made specifically for Knife Edge Outdoor Guidebooks. All accommodation/campsites are numbered and marked on the maps. 10 different itineraries: schedules of 6, 7, 8 and 9 days for hikers and runners. Includes both clockwise and anti-clockwise itineraries. Difficult calculations of time, distance and altitude gain/loss are done for you. Also includes: • Detailed information on equipment and travelling light.
• Full accommodation/campsite listings • Wild camping rules explained • Everything the trekker needs to know: route, costs, difficulty, weather and more • Travel to the trail-head • Essential info for both self-guided and guided trekkers • Information on plants and wildlife • Numbered waypoints linking the Real Maps to our clear descriptions The Tour des Combins is an epic trek in the Swiss and Italian Alps. It traverses some of Europe's wildest mountain terrain. The sublime scenery makes it a worthy alternative to the more famous Tour du Mont Blanc (which is only a stone's throw away). Hike along the edge of the Corbassière Glacier, one of the longest in Europe. Enjoy snow frosted summits, magnificent valleys and pastures, sparkling azure lakes, carpets of wild flowers, the soothing sound of cow bells and easy to follow paths. Stay in spectacularly situated villages and remote mountain huts. This will be a trip that you will never forget.
- Publisert: 2024
- Antall sider: 116
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781912933181
Trekking The Tour du Mont Blanc
Ordinær pris 339,00 kr- Seasons: With high passes to negotiate, this is a summer-only route, best tackled between early July and end of September.
- Centres: Chamonix (just off the actual route); Les Houches and Les Contamines (France); Courmayeur (Italy); La Fouly, Champex and Trient (Switzerland) are all on the route of the TMB.
- Difficulty: Much of the TMB follows clear, well-graded paths suitable for fit walkers. But there are some very steep climbs (and descents), and two stages on which near-vertical ladders are used to scale cliffs (though alternative options are included). A demanding route for first-time trekkers and old hands alike.
- Must see: Some of the world's finest mountain scenery; Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Western Europe; the Chamonix Aiguilles; the Mer de Glace, second longest glacier in the Alps; up to 14 Alpine passes, each with its own heart-stopping views.
- Publisert: Juni 2024
- Utgave: 6. utgave
- Antall sider: 240
- ISBN: 9781786312280
Trekking The Westweg
Ordinær pris 289,00 krThis guidebook is all you need to discover The Westweg, a 285km walk along the length Germany's Black Forest from Pforzheim to Basel. This classic long-distance trail takes around two weeks to walk, in stages of 15-28km. The route is well way-marked and suitable for experienced hikers and those new to long distance walking, though some sections are steep.
Detailed descriptions and 1:100,000 maps accompany each stage of the route and the book describes options for shortening stages using public transport. There is also information on when to go, where to stay and a German-English glossary. With well-maintained and waymarked trails, an efficient public transport system and conveniently placed huts and farmhouse inns, the Black Forest is one of Germany's best-loved walking destinations.
The Westweg incorporates many of the region's highlights, such the Schwarzwald National Park, the source of the Danube and Lake Titisee. At Titisee there is a choice to make: the western route taking in the Black Forest's highest peak Feldberg and the vineyards of the Markgraflerland, or the quieter eastern route via the Herzogenhorn peak and on to Basel, with all its cultural attractions and old-world charm.
- Forfatter: Kat Morgenstern
- Publisert: November 2016
- Antall sider: 224
- Innbinding: Heftet
- ISBN: 9781852847753
Turguide til Gran Canaria Sør
Ordinær pris 299,00 kr
Anita og Birger Løvlands turguider er blitt velkjente for nordmenn som går turer i fjell- og kystområdene i sydligere strøk. Deres bøker om Kanariøyene, Mallorca, Azorene og Madeira har fått mange til å oppdage de utrolig flotte turmulighetene som finnes på disse øyene.
Turguide til Gran Canaria kom i 2012, med 34 turer over hele øya. Noen hundre km turer de siste årene, først og fremst omkring områdene på sørsiden av øya der nesten alle turistene bor, har ført til at de nå har laget en Turguide til Gran Canaria Sør, med 44 nye turer.
I hovedsak dekkes kyststrekningen mellom Puerto de Mogán og Bahía Feliz i sør og Roque Nublo i nord. Innen denne kakestykkeformede delen av Gran Canaria kan det turglade ekteparet by på en spennende og variert turmeny. Alle turene er beskrevet med nøyaktige turomtaler, bilder og kart. Noen turer tar et par timer, andre er lange dagsturer, som krever god fysisk form. De kan alle med rette kalles for kortreiste turer, da de ligger nær turistområdene i sør — og også at de er «sett med norske øyne og gått med norske bein».
- Publisert: 2017
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Norsk
- ISBN: 9788282651820