5 produkter

Bolivia og folket som tok framtida tilbake
Ordinær pris 379,00 kr Salgspris 189,50 kr Spar 50%Då den karismatiske Evo Morales vann presidentvalet i Bolivia i 2005, vekte det internasjonal oppsikt. Med radikale reformer skulle det sosialistiske partiet Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) ta eit oppgjer med 500 år kolonialisme.
Sidan den gong har fattigdomen blitt halvert, og ein velferdsstat har sett dagens ljos. Men då Morales i 2020 stilte til val for tredje gong, i strid med grunnlova, blei det bråk. Høgresida kuppa makta, og det vart kampar i gatene. Etter eit år med uro, vart det endelig halde eit nytt, demokratisk val. Med ein ny presidentkandidat vann MAS makta tilbake.
Latin-Amerika-kjennaren Heidi Lundeberg gir oss historia om dei mange omveltingane Bolivia har gått gjennom. Me får møte Martha, som har fått stipend for å bli lege, Rosmery, som har fått innlagt vatn og straum, og Alberto, som har fått lønna si femdobla sidan MAS kom til makta.
No står Bolivia igjen ved eit vegskilje. Vil sosialistregjeringa lykkast med å redusere ulikskapane samstundes som dei møter forventingane til ei veksande middelklasse? Vil forsøket på industrireising lykkast? Og er det i Andes me kan finne inspirasjon til ei grønare og meir rettvis framtid?
Utgitt: 2022
Forlag: Manifest
Innbinding: Innbundet
Språk: Norsk Nynorsk
Sider: 148

Epic Hikes of the Americas
Ordinær pris 379,00 kr- Publisert: Mai 2022
- Innbinding: Innbundet
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Språk: Engelsk
- Antall sider: 320
- ISBN: 9781838695057

Traveller´s Cookbook - South America
Ordinær pris 239,00 krA lip-smacking, full colour collection of evocative recipes combined with reminiscences and anecdotes from over four decades of South American travel from writer and food enthusiast, Ben Box, author of the classic travel bible, the South American Handbook. 'It's one thing to sit down in a restaurant overlooking the Plaza in Cuzco or at a seafood shack beside a Brazilian beach, but quite another to learn how to prepare the food yourself and serve it to friends in your home country' says Ben. 'This book will show you how to bring back your own memories of the flavours and aromas of South America.
Recipes are interspersed with culinary history, tips and tales from the road, all designed to cast the dishes in the context of a continent overflowing with irresistible temptations, from the versatility of the corn kernel to the coolest cocktail.'Join Ben in his tour of one of the world's most gastronomically exciting areas as he presents his favourite recipes country by country, from Venezuela and the Guianas in the north down to Argentina. His selection includes iconic South American dishes and drinks, ingredients from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, from the Amazon and the Andes, sizzling street food, tried and tested practical recipes, different gastronomic trends, and details of how to make arepas, chimichurri, caipirinha, pepper pot and other South American favourites. Ben says: 'Whether you've been to South America or are thinking of going, or even if you've never contemplated it but are a confirmed foodie, you'll love losing yourself in the medley of flavours from this mouth-watering, palate-tingling continent.
- Forfatter: Ben Box
- Publisert: Okt 2022
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Antall sider: 328
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784778996

Your Trip Starts Here
Ordinær pris 409,00 krEmbark on over 50 of the world's most life-affirming journeys and nurture your path to self-discovery. Packed with beautiful photography and inspiring first-person insights for each trip, from hiking Japan's sacred Shikoku pilgrimage to following the Underground Railroad in the US. This is the perfect book for anyone seeking to travel with purpose.
Each journey features first-hand accounts from travellers with insightful tips on how to begin planning an enlightening travel experience. From cultural explorations to challenging expeditions, travellers can spend a month of reflection on foot through Northern Spain to reach the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela; connect body and mind as they canoe the wild and remote Yukon River in Canada; embrace the wonders of rail travel aboard Australia's luxurious Ghan; plus so much more.
Your Trip Starts Here is the ultimate travel book for anyone longing to immerse themselves in a different culture, grow as a person or reflect and reset their focus. Gift this collection of journeys to the explorer in your life who wishes to travel with purpose or inspire your own adventure using this unique guide.
- Publisert: September 2023
- Innbinding: Innbundet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781837580064