16 produkter
3013 India Northwest
Ordinær pris 249,00 krNational Geographics sine Adventure Map er laget for å møte behov på ulike eventyr. Kartet har nøyaktig topografi og viser i tillegg byer og tettsteder, samt tydelig detaljering av veinett - merket med avstander og betegnelser for motorveier og hovedveier, landeveier og stier. Fergeruter, flyplasser, fyr, jernbanestrekninger og andre reisenettverk er tegnet inn. Kartet er tosidig, vanntett og slitesterkt - ingen rift eller flisige hjørner her i gården.
4 Himachal Pradesh
Ordinær pris 149,00 kr4 Siachen, Rimo, Karakoram Pass, Aghi
Ordinær pris 149,00 kr8 Garhwal - Kumaon (Uttaranchal)
Ordinær pris 149,00 krEverest & Himalaya
Ordinær pris 199,00 krThe climbing season for Everest begins in May, just about the time that vaccinations against Covid should kick into high gear. Time to start planning that little jaunt you’ve always wanted to do! Seriously, this is a lovely double-sided map with two attractive covers, so can be displayed either as Everest or Himalaya. The Everest side covers the mountain itself, with base camps and accommodations clearly shown. There are actually several interesting trails one could explore and all are shown; only one leads to the summit. The reverse side shows the entire Himalaya ‘knot’ that forms the basis for so many mountain chains.
The area of coverage includes all of Nepal and Sikkim, a significant portion of Bhutan, most of Tibet, and a bit of northern India. All roads and attractions are shown. The map includes a detailed inset map for Kathmandu and another for the valley region surrounding the city. There are now half a dozen access roads into Nepal, and all are shown. East-west travel is finally available with the completion of Hwy 1401. Legend Includes: Roads by classification, Rivers and Lakes, National Park, Airports, Points of Interests, Highways, Main Roads, Zoos, Fishing, and much more...
Ordinær pris 119,00 krLonely Planet Planning Map er slitesterkt og vanntett, med en hendig slipcase og et format som er enkelt å brette. Få mer ut av kartet og reisen din med bilder og informasjon om toppattraksjoner i landet, reiseruteforslag, en transportguide, planleggingsinformasjon, temalister og praktiske reisetips. Med dette brukervennlige navigasjonsverktøyet i baklommen kan du virkelig komme til hjertet av din destinasjon!
India Northwest
Ordinær pris 229,00 krTysk kartserie med flotte kart på slitesterkt plastpapir.
North-western India at 1:1,300,000 on a light, waterproof and tear-resistant, indexed road map from Reise Know-How with topographic and tourist information. The map, part of the publishers’ highly acclaimed World Mapping Project, is double-sided to provide the best balance between a good scale and a convenient size sheet. Coverage on the northern side extends beyond the demarcation border to K2 and includes Islamabad and most of the Pakistani part of Punjab; the southern side extends south to Daman and east to Jabalpur.
Topography is presented by altitude colouring with spot heights and names of mountain ranges, peaks and valleys, plus graphics for swamps, salt pans, etc. Road network includes selected local roads and tracks, indicating driving distances on main routes. Railway lines are included and local airports are marked. National parks and other protected areas are highlighted, and symbols show locations of various UNESCO sites, forts and palaces, temples and other religious buildings, natural curiosities, beaches, etc. The map has a latitude and longitude grid at intervals of 1° and an index of place names. Map legend includes English.
Publisert år: 2024
Innbinding: falset
Material: plastpapir
Målestokk: 1:1300000
India: West
Ordinær pris 169,00 krNelles dekker store deler av kloden og er spesielt gode på den ikke-vestlige verden. Bykart er innsatt i regionskartene, og du får avstandstabeller og avmerkede attraksjoner som for eksempel nasjonalparker.
Publisert år: 2020
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:1500000
Karakoram Map Sheet 1+2
Ordinær pris 339,00 kr Salgspris 279,00 kr Spar 18%