40 produkter

Pilegrimsleden fra Oslo til Trondheim
Ordinær pris 389,00 krPilegrimsleden mellom Oslo og Trondheim er kanskje Norges vakreste langvandring.
«Pilegrimsleden - en praktisk guide til vandringen» er skrevet for den moderne pilegrim som ønsker å legge ut på kortere eller lengre vandringer gjennom vakker og variert norsk natur, og få et unikt innblikk i norsk historie, religion og kulturarv. Boka forteller deg alt du trenger å vite om vandringen, både før du legger ut på tur og underveis.
Etter at Olav Haraldsson falt i slaget på Stiklestad i 1030 ble hans gravsted i Nidaros et av Europas viktigste pilegrimsmål. I over 500 år vandret pilegrimene til Olav den helliges grav i Nidarosdomen. De gamle pilegrimsstiene er i dag merket og moderne vandrere kan følge i pilegrimenes fotspor fra Gamlebyen i Oslo helt fram til Nidarosdomen i Trondheim. Den 640 km lange leden blir grundig skildret gjennom:
- Detaljerte veibeskrivelser fordelt på dagsetapper
- Etappekart, høydekart og bykart
- Overnattinger
- Faktabokser om utvalgte severdigheter
- Oversikt over fasiliteter underveis
- Tips og råd til vandringen
- Utgitt: 2023
- Forfattere: Bjørn Ivar A. Voll og Ellen Rykkja GIlbert
- Forlag: Gilbert & Voll
- Språk: Bokmål
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Antall sider: 223

Camino del Norte & Camino Primitivo
Ordinær pris 339,00 krThis guidebook describes the Camino del Norte and Camino Primitivo pilgrim routes to Santiago de Compostela in northwest Spain. The 820km Camino del Norte follows the coast from Irun, on the French border, through Bilbao and takes about 5 weeks to complete. The 355km Camino Primitivo splits off from the Camino del Norte near Villaviciosa and passes through Oviedo and Lugo en route to Compostela.
It takes roughly 2 weeks to walk. This book also includes an overview of a continuation route from Santiago to Finisterre on the coast. Physically demanding, but not difficult, the caminos are best walked from late spring to autumn.
The guidebook is broken into stages of between 15 and 35km, most of which end in a town or village with a pilgrim albergue. There is indispensable information on facilities, food and lodging, 1:100,000 scale maps of the route and town maps for key locations. With notes on preparation and planning, travel and equipment, a list of useful sources of information, and a glossary, the book provides all you need to know to walk the camino.
Santiago de Compostela, whose cathedral houses the relics of St James, was one of three major centres of Catholic pilgrimage in the Middle Ages. In modern times the Caminos de Santiago have seen a resurgence in popularity, drawing walkers for all sorts of reasons. Passing through the Spanish regions of the Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias, and Galicia, the northern caminos are popular enough to offer sufficient facilities, clear routes, and a community of pilgrims, without suffering the overcrowding of the Camino Frances.
- Publisert: Mai 2019
- Utgave: 3. utgave
- Antall sider: 312
- ISBN: 9781786310149

Walking the Via Francigena (Part 3) Lucca to Rome
Ordinær pris 349,00 krAn indispensable guidebook to the final 400km of the Via Francigena from Lucca to Rome. This is the most popular stretch of the pilgrim route connecting Canterbury to the Vatican City. Crossing Italy's heartland, this last section of the Via Francigena goes through two of Tuscany's loveliest cities, Lucca and Siena, and visits medieval San Gimignano, Monteriggioni and Radicofani.
Divided into 18 day stages, the route is suitable for any averagely fit walker. Full stage directions are accompanied by maps showing the route line and the facilities available at different locations. Accommodation listings give invaluable information on low-cost pilgrim hostels and where to stay.
There are useful city maps for Lucca, Siena, Rome and Viterbo, and a stage planning table lists intermediate distances between accommodation, so you can customise your own walking schedule. Containing a wealth of advice on planning, preparation and tips for making the most of the walk, this is a must-have guide for any pilgrim. One of three volumes covering the complete Via Francigena.
- Publisert: Mars 2021
- Antall sider: 184
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781786310798

Spain: North
Ordinær pris 199,00 krIndexed, waterproof and tear-resistant road map of northern Spain at 1:350,000 highlighting pilgrim routes to Santiago de Compostela. The map, published by Reise Know-How as part of their highly acclaimed World Mapping Project, combines topographic and tourist information and is double-sided to provide the best balance between a good scale and a convenient size sheet.
Road and rail networks are easy to see on a clear base which presents topography by altitude colouring with contours, spot heights, mountain passes and names of mountain ranges. Road network includes local roads and tracks and gives driving distances on main and secondary roads. The main route of the Way of St James from Pamplona, across Logroño, Burgos, León and Ponferrada is clearly marked.
The map also shows the alterative coastal route and its variants. Various churches and monasteries along the route are highlighted. National parks and protected areas are shown and symbols indicate other places of interest, including campsites and refuges, archaeological remains, castles, viewpoints, beaches, golf courses, etc. The map has a grid with latitude and longitude at intervals of 20’. Map legend includes English.
- Publisert: 2023
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Plastpapir
- Målestokk: 1:350 000

The Way of St. James France
Ordinær pris 249,00 krThis comprehensive guidebook describes the Way of St James (Camino de Santiago) pilgrim route through France. Also known as the Chemin de St Jacques or GR65, the 730km (454 mile) route runs from Le Puy-en-Velay in central France to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in the Pyrenees. People have been walking it as a pilgrimage route for over 1000 years, and with adequate preparation it is suitable for most walkers with a basic level of fitness.
This indispensible guide contains detailed descriptions and sketch mapping for the route, accompanied by a wealth of practical advice on accommodation, facilities and local points of interest. It also includes information about the history of the pilgrimage, and notes on holy sites and imagery along the route. The guidebook describes 2-3 additional days from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Roncevalles (and Pamplona), for those continuing along the Camino Frances through northern Spain.
It also outlines a 3-4 day route from Saint-Palais direct to Irun, which links with the Camino del Norte coastal route. A companion volume: The Way of St James: Pyrenees-Santiago-Finisterre covers the Spanish section of the route.
- Forfatter: Alison Raju
- Publisert: Februar 2018
- Utgave: 3. utgave
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- Antall sider: 208
- ISBN: 9781852848767

Camino de Santiago Maps
Ordinær pris 279,00 krEt komplett sett med kart på flere språk utgjør denne uunnværelige guideboken for vandrere som ønsker å gå den hellige "Way of St. James". Den er nylig revisert og oppdatert for å tilby kun den viktigste og mest aktuelle informasjonen, og er lett nok til å være med i lomma fra fag til dag.
Den viser beliggenheten til alle pilegrimhosteller, avstanden mellom landsbyer og andre mål, samt alternative ruter og overnattingssteder.
- Forfatter: John Brierley
- Publisert: 2024
- Antall sider: 112
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- Mål: 190 x 117 (mm)

Pilegrimsveien til Santiago de Compostela
Ordinær pris 349,00 krBuen Camino! Når du tar på deg støvlene og begynner på vandringen vestover mot Santiago de Compostela, tar du også et steg inn i Den iberiske halvøyas kulturhistorie. Gjennom århundrene har millioner av pilegrimer gjort den samme vandringen, funnet stillhet i de samme kapellene underveis og slukket tørsten i de samme kildene.
I denne boken finner du alt du trenger å vite for å gå den mest kjente og populære pilegrimsleden i verden, El Camino Francés. Den er et svært nyttig reisefølge på den 800 kilometer lange vandringen, og gir deg praktisk støtte hele veien fra den landsbyen Saint Pied de Port på den franske siden av Pyreneene fram til Santiago de Compostela. Her kan du for eksempel lett .nne ut hvor langt det er til neste by eller herberge, en god hjelp for å avgjøre om du skal stanse for dagen eller gå et stykke videre. Boken legger også stor vekt på at du skal få en historisk og kulturell bakgrunn for det du ser langs veien, og berike din opplevelse.
Boken forteller deg hvordan du forbereder deg før turen, og kartene viser tydelig hver av dagsetappene, inkludert de tre etappene fra Santiago de Compostela helt ut til kysten ved Kapp Finisterre.
Forfatteren Ulf Luthman har gått de 800 kilometerne til Santiago de Compostela tre ganger, og kjenner godt pilegrimsvandrerens behov.
- Forfatter: Ulf Luthman
- Publisert: 2018
- Antall sider: 332
- Språk: Bokmål
- ISBN: 9788282655200

Basque Country of Spain & France
Ordinær pris 279,00 krThe go-to Basque Country walking guide for discovering the best walks and car tours. Strap on your boots and discover Basque Country on foot with the Sunflower Basque Country travel guide. And on the days when your feet may have had enough, enjoy some spectacular scenery on one of our legendary car tours.
The Sunflower Basque Country guide is indispensable for hiking in Basque Country or seeing Basque Country by car. This is the first guidebook to bring together hikes and tours in the Basque Country, which runs east from Bilbao in Spain to Biarritz in France and takes in famous places like Pamplona and stages on the Camino de Santiago. The entire Basque coast is mostly very rugged, with many thriving fishing towns and villages, plus the added attraction of splendid beaches.
Inland the countryside is more mountainous, with lush green countryside. Don't miss the award-winning Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, the Pilgrims' Route to Santiago, the San Fermines fiestas at Iruna-Pamplona, or stunning coastal resorts like Donostia-San Sebastian and Biarritz. But most of all, explore the remote picture-postcard villages and lush mountainous countryside straddling both sides of the Pyrenees - preferably on foot.
Whatever your age or ability we've got some glorious walks and car tours to ensure you have a memorable holiday in Basque Country.
- Publisert: Januar 2023
- Antall sider: 136
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781856915366

Camino Finisterre
Ordinær pris 279,00 krCamino Finisterre: Pilgrims who continue to the 'End of the Earth' Finis Terrae often refer to this as a highlight in their journeying. In the first edition it was described as the road less travelled but that acclaim has now passed to Muxia which has become the ideal extension for those seeking space for rest and reflection before returning home. The paths to Finisterre and Muxia are uniquely beautiful, full of the flavours of Galicia and her deliciously authentic culture.
The spirit of St. James is alive in the deep river valleys and rolling hills that make up her Landscape Temple. Come and experience her untamed beauty and the purity of the light that has attracted spiritual seekers for countless millennia.
The light, while obscured, lies hidden in our memory. It is no coincidence that the path to the end of the world ends at a lighthouse and the Ara Solis. This guidebook describes the only camino that departs from Santiago.
However, in recent years it has been recognised for a Compostela when walked in reverse from Finisterre / Muxia back to Santiago as the route provides the minimum distance required; but that is not its primary purpose. For those who have already walked to Santiago it provides an opportunity to integrate that earlier experience and a wonderful introduction to Galicia for everyone - novitiate or veteran. Many choose to visit Finisterre by bus but this is no substitute for walking this stunning landscape which offers immersion in the legends that brought St.
James to the 'end of the world'. This guidebook also seeks to find a balance between the outer and inner journey, between the practical and spiritual, which is why it is subtitled A Practical & Mystical Manual - that we might find a place to eat and sleep at the end of a hard day's walk but also, and crucially, that we might find the courage to dive into the mystery of our own soul awakening.
- Forfatter: John Brierley
- Publisert: 2024
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Antall sider: 96

Camino de Santiago - Via Podiensis
Ordinær pris 319,00 krThis guidebook describes in full the 735km Via Podiensis (GR65), a historic pilgrimage route through southern France from Le Puy-en-Velay to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, where the trail meets the famous Camino Frances to Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Also detailed are 2 major variants: the Cele Valley (GR651) and Rocamadour (GR6 and GR46). Split into 28 stages, the full route takes 4 to 6 weeks to complete but can be divided into shorter sections - Figeac and Condom are well positioned to break the walk into three 2-week chunks.
It can be adapted to suit all abilities, with regularly spaced accommodation and baggage transport available, and is best walked in spring and autumn, with May and September the most popular months. Abundant accommodation options offer a warm welcome to walkers and pilgrims and a chance to enjoy delicious home-cooked meals made with local ingredients. Walking directions are accompanied by 1;100,000 maps showing the route line and the facilities available at different locations.
Accommodation listings provide invaluable information on where to stay. There are useful town maps for Cahors, Condom, Figeac, Le Puy, Moissac and Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, and a stage planning table listing intermediate distances between accommodation means the schedule can be easily customised to individual requirements. The Via Podiensis leads pilgrims and walkers through the best of French village life, offering a unique combination of pleasant trails, quaint historic communities and cultural delights.
It passes through charming Estaing, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie and Lauzerte, and visits pilgrim shrines including Conques and Rocamadour. Pilgrims carrying on to Santiago can either proceed directly from Saint-Jean on the Camino Frances or transition (via the GR10) over to the Camino del Norte - a skeletal outline of the routes linking Saint-Jean and Irun, Spain, is included in the guidebook.
- Forfatter: Dave Whitson
- Publisert: Juli 2022
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781786311023

Walking the Via Francigena (Part 1) Canterbury to Lausanne
Ordinær pris 349,00 krThe 2000km Via Francigena from Canterbury to Rome is one of the world's great pilgrim routes, with a history spanning well over a millennium. This guide describes the first section, from Canterbury to Lausanne on the shores of Lake Geneva, a journey of 1090km passing through England, France and Switzerland. The route is suitable for walkers of all levels of ability, and the section from Canterbury to Besançon is also suitable for cyclists (mountain or hybrid/gravel bike). There are various options for accommodation, ranging from hotels and B&Bs to camping (although it is not essential to carry a tent), and the French section offers a unique opportunity to lodge with host families in welcoming chambres d'hôtes.
The guide has all the information you need to plan and prepare for a journey on the Via Francigena. You'll find a wealth of detail about facilities on route and accommodation, as well as tips on training, kit, travel and pilgrim credentials. The route is presented in 52 stages of 11 to 39.5km, although the clear presentation of facilities and intermediary distances makes it easy to customise your own itinerary. There are also notes on interesting features passed and local points of interest.
Beginning in historic Canterbury, England, with a gentle walk to the White Cliffs of Dover, the Via Francigena crosses the English Channel before turning inland to the rolling French countryside, site of WWI battlefields and charming French villages and towns. After visiting two of France's most beautiful medieval cathedrals, it passes through forests to the hilltop fortress of Langres. Besançon offers al-fresco dining in the city's historic plazas before the route continues, following the Loue River to its mountainous source. The unforgettable Gorge de l'Orbe of the Jura Mountains in Switzerland leads to the section's finish-point on the shores of Lake Geneva in beautiful, cosmopolitan Lausanne. Celebrating the diversity of the countries through which it passes and offering an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in Europe's beautiful landscapes and experience their culture, this is truly an international journey that will linger long in memory.
- Forfatter: Sandy Brown
- Publisert: Februar 2023
- Utgave: 2. utgave
- Antall sider: 304
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781852848842

Cycling the Camino de Santiago
Ordinær pris 229,00 krThe Camino de Santiago de Compostela (Camino Frances or Way of St James) is among the world's most famous pilgrimages: Christian pilgrims have travelled to the shrine of St James in Santiago, northern Spain, since the ninth century. This guide provides all the information you need to successfully cycle the Camino. The Camino Frances is the most popular variant of the Camino, linking St Jean-Pied-de-Port on the French-Spanish border with Santiago via Pamplona, Burgos and Leon.
The guide presents the journey in 18 stages. Two versions of the route are described, the first (770km) based closely on the walkers' route and suitable for hybrid or mountain bikes; the second (798km) a 'road route' for road and touring cycles. It can be cycled in around 10-14 days and is very well provisioned.
Clear route description and mapping are accompanied by notes on local points of interest, as well as background information on Spanish history and the history of the Camino. The practicalities are also thoroughly covered, including travel to and from the route, accommodation, facilities, kit and how to qualify for and obtain your Compostela (pilgrims' certificate). Whether you're seeking a spiritual journey, a physical challenge or just a holiday, the Camino promises an unforgettable experience - from the beautiful landscapes, historic towns and rich culture of northern Spain to the famed camaraderie with other wayfarers.
Blending information with inspiration, this guide is an ideal companion to cycling this UNESCO-listed route.
- Forfatter: Mike Wells
- Publisert: Mars 2019
- Utgave: 3. utgave
- Antall sider: 264
- ISBN: 9781852849696

Camino de Santiago: Village to Village Map Guide
Ordinær pris 299,00 krThis lightweight, minimalist map guide offers all the detailed maps, accommodations listings, and stage overviews available in the full Camino Frances Village to Village Guide, condensed to an ultralight 96 pages. The Camino Frances begins in picturesque Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France, crosses the Pyrenees and Basque country and the high plateau known as the Meseta before entering the misty mountains of Galicia. This 500-mile journey arrives to the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela, where the bones of Saint James are said to reside.
- Publisert: September 2021
- Utgave: 2. utgave
- Antall sider: 96
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781947474208