9 produkter

The Snows of Kilimanjaro
Ordinær pris 199,00 krHemingway's early stories told in his distinctive style. 'When she goes, he thought, I'll have all I want'.
Not all I want but all there is. In these early Hemingway stories, which are partly autobiographical, men and women of passion live, fight, love and die in scenes of dramatic intensity. They range from haunting tragedy on the snow-capped peak of Kilimanjaro, to brutal America with its deceptive calm, and war-ravaged Europe.
- Forfatter: Ernest Hemmingway
- Publisert: 2004
- Antall sider: 138
- Språk: Engelsk
- Innbinding: Heftet
- ISBN: 9780099460923

Ordinær pris 169,00 krA powerful and intensely human insight into the civil war in Zimbabwe, focusing on a white farmer and his maid who find themselves on opposing sides. One bright morning Nigel Hough, one of the few remaining white farmers in Mugabe's Zimbabwe, received the news he was dreading - a crowd were at the gate demanding he surrender his home and land. To his horror, his family's much-loved nanny Aqui was at the head of the violent mob that then stole his homestead and imprisoned him in an outhouse By tracing the intertwined lives of Nigel and Aqui - rich and poor, white and black, master and maid - through intimate and moving interviews, Christina Lamb captures not just the source of a terrible conflict, but also her own conviction that there is still hope for one of Africa's most beautiful countries.
ISBN: 9780007219391
Forfattere: Christina Lamb
Publisert måned: Des
Publisert år: 2007
Utgave: 1.utg
Sider nr: 290

Another Day of Life
Ordinær pris 169,00 krDen polske journalisten Ryszard Kapuscinski er blant verdens mest kjente "reiseforfattere". Han har reist verden rundt og rapportert fra kriger, kupp og revolusjoner i Asia, Europa, samt Sør- og Mellom-Amerika, noe som har resultert I flere spennende og viktige romaner. Det sies at da han endelig vendte hjem til polen hadde han overlevd 27 revolusjoner og kupp, blitt fengslet 4 ganger og overlevd 4 dødsdommer. Litt av en mann, med andre ord, og litt av en forfatter.
- Forfattere: R. Kapuscinski
- Publisert: Sep. 2001
- Utgave: 11. utgave
- Antall sider: 149

The Marsh Lions
Ordinær pris 179,00 krA bestseller when first published in 1982, The Marsh Lions portrays a vivid picture of life and death on the African savannah through the story of a pride of lions in Kenya's world-famous Masai Mara game reserve. The story is essentially a true one. All the central characters are real, and most of the incidents described actually happened.
For five years, Brian Jackman and Jonathan Scott followed the Marsh pride and their progeny, painstakingly recording the daily drama of life and death on the African plains. In time they came to regard them as old and familiar friends and real individuals - the big resident males, Scar, Brando and Mkubwa and three lionesses known as the Marsh sisters. Their lives, together with the leopards and cheetahs that shared their wild paradise, offer a unique insight into the unforgiving world of these magnificent carnivores.
The Marsh Lions were the most successful group to be filmed for Big Cat Diary, the BBC's hugely successful TV series. With Jonathan Scott as co-presenter, The Big Cat Diary camera teams allowed millions of viewers to observe the ongoing saga of the Marsh pride at a time when lions are fast disappearing all over Africa. The Marsh Lions is a powerful reminder of what the world stands to lose if the big cats were to vanish forever and highlights the need to cherish the Mara as one of the most beautiful of the earth's wild places.
- Forfattere: Brian Jackman, Jonathan Scott og Angie Scott
- Publisert: 2012
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781841624280

The Leopard´s Tale
Ordinær pris 179,00 krAlmost everyone on safari hopes for a glimpse of the charismatic and elusive leopard. Chui was the first of a new generation of leopards Jonathan Scott watched and photographed in Kenya's Masai Mara Game Reserve in the 1970s and 1980s. He spent every available moment watching and photographing Chui and her cubs, Light and Dark, aware that he was only privileged to do so for as long as they chose to remain visible.
His classic account tells the story of the mother leopard as a solitary hunter providing for herself and her offspring. He records encounters with baboon, hyaena and man, hazards facing the cubs as they learn to fend for themselves and periods of play and relaxation. Some years after Chui disappeared, a young female appeared, Half-Tail.
Jonathan and Angela have followed her and her daughter Zawadi, stars of the BBC's Big Cat Diary, for the past twenty years, bringing the story up to date. Nobody has studied leopards more closely or known them more intimatelyJonathan says: 'The update is based on our work with Half-Tail and Zawadi from both the pictures and text perspective - Angie worked with us on Big Cat Diary as the stills photographer from 1996 and before that we both worked with Half-Tail from the time she first appeared around Leopard Gorge and Fig Tree Ridge - our kids grew up on safari with Half-Tail and Zawadi as stars of their own Mara adventures.'
Forfattere: J.Angela scott
Publisert måned: Aug
Publisert år: 2013
Utgave: 2utg
Sider nr:228

The Rebel's Hour
Ordinær pris 189,00 krIn The Rebels’ Hour , world renowned journalist Lieve Joris illuminates the dark heart of contemporary Congo through the prism of one lonely and complicated rebel leader who becomes a high ranking general in the Congolese army.
When Assani, a young cowherd, leaves his remote village to pursue his studies in the city, he learns that he is ethnically Tutsi; though uninterested in politics or military life, he is forced to take sides in the bloody conflict rocking the Congo in the wake of the Rwandan genocide. Strong, clever, and trusting of no one, he becomes a fearsome rebel leader. With his cadre of child soldiers he traverses the war-ravaged country, dodging death at the hands of competing rebel factions in the bush, angry mobs in the capital city of Kinshasa, and even the rebel-turned-dictator Laurent Kabila himself.
The Rebels’ Hour thrusts us into Assani’s world, forcing us to navigate the chaos of a lawless country alongside him, compelled by an instinct to survive in a place where human life has been stripped of value. Though pathologically evasive, Assani--in Joris’s horrifying and brilliant zoom-lens portrait--stands out in relief as a man who is both monstrous and sympathetic, perpetrator and victim.
- Forfatter: Lieve Joris
- Publisert: 2008
- Antall sider: 299
- ISBN: 9781843547532