6 produkter

Ordinær pris 249,00 krBestselgende forfatter Erika Fatland med storslått reiseskildring fra Himalaya.
Erika Fatlands eventyrlige reiseskildringer er prisbelønnet og oversatt til 23 språk. Nå tar hun oss med opp i høyden. Himalaya bukter seg gjennom fem svært ulike land. Her blandes verdensreligionene islam, buddhisme og hinduisme med eldgamle sjamanreligioner. Utallige språk og vidt forskjellige kulturer lever i de bortgjemte fjelldalene. Modernitet og tradisjon støter sammen, mens stormaktene kjemper om innflytelse.
Vi har lest om fjellklatrere på vei opp mot Mount Everest og om reisende på åndelig søken til buddhistiske klostre. Men hvor mye vet vi om menneskene som bor i Himalaya? Fatland lar oss møte dem på nært hold, samtidig som hun tar oss med på en svimlende reise i høyden, gjennom utrolige landskap og dramatisk, ukjent verdenshistorie - helt frem til dagens brennbare konflikter.
- Forfatter: Erika Fatland
- Publisert: 2020
- Innbinding: Heftet
- ISBN: 9788248927730

Ordinær pris 299,00 krAn ambitious and magnificent new travelogue by internationally bestselling, prizewinning writer Erika Fatland. The Himalayas meander for more than two thousand kilometres through many different countries, from Pakistan to Myanmar via Nepal, India, Tibet and Bhutan, where the world religions of Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism are interspersed with ancient shamanic beliefs. Countless languages and vastly different cultures exist in these isolated mountain valleys.
Modernity and tradition collide, while the great powers fight for influence. We have read about climbers and adventurers on their way up Mount Everest, and about travellers on a spiritual quest to remote Buddhist monasteries. Here, however, the focus is on the communities of these Himalayan valleys, those who live and work in this extraordinary region.
As Erika Fatland introduces us to the people she meets along her journey, and in particular the women, she takes us on a vivid and dizzying expedition at altitude through incredible landscapes and dramatic, unknown histories. Skilfully weaving together the politics, geography, astrology, theology and ecology of this vast region, she also explores some of the most volatile human conflicts of our times. With her unique gift for listening, and for storytelling, she has become one of the most exciting travel writers of her generation.
- Forfatter: Erika Fatland
- Publisert: August 2022
- Antall sider: 578
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781529416893

Without Ever Reaching the Summit
Ordinær pris 229,00 krAn awestruck love letter to one of the most spectacular places on earth, from the author of international bestseller The Eight Mountains, Paolo Cognetti marked his 40th birthday with a journey he had always wanted to make: to Dolpo, a remote Himalayan region where Nepal meets Tibet. He took with him two friends, a notebook, mules and guides, and a well-worn copy of The Snow Leopard. Written in 1978, Matthiessen's classic was also turning forty, and Cognetti set out to walk in the footsteps of the great adventurer.
Without Ever Reaching the Summit combines travel journal, secular pilgrimage, literary homage and sublime mountain writing in a short book for readers of Macfarlane, Rebanks and Cognetti's own bestseller, The Eight Mountains. An investigation into the author's physical limits, an ancient mountain culture, and the magnificence of nature, it is an awestruck love letter to one of the most spectacular places on earth.
- Forfatter: Paolo Cognetti
- Publisert: Juni 2024
- Antall sider: 160
- ISBN: 9781529925432

I gudenes rike fjellene, sherpafolket - og jeg
Ordinær pris 499,00 krSherpaene fra Nepal har vært avgjørende for klatreekspedisjoner til de høyeste fjellene i verden. Opprinnelig var det ren nød som tvang dem over snøgrensen og opp i gudenes rike, der de ifølge sin tro kan risikere å miste både dette og det neste livet. I dag er motivene flere.
Tidligere tiders koloniale forhold mellom herre og tjener er også jevnet ut, men vi rike betaler fortsatt for å utsette både sherpaene og oss selv for livsfare. Kan det som driver oss være vår egen indre frykt -ikke for gudenes vrede, og heller ikke for å miste livet, men meningen med det? Og like viktig: Hva er det som driver sherpaene?
Dette er blant spørsmålene Jon Gangdal forsøker å besvare. Gjennom et rikt historisk materiale og sine egne dyrekjøpte erfaringer med liv og død i høyden, løfter han fram sherpafolket fra Himalaya-klatringens skygge og kommer tett på deres spesielle livsvilkår og hverdag.
- Publisert: okt 2023
- Forfatter: Jon Gangdal
- Utgave 1. utgave
- Utgiver: Fri flyt
- Språk: Bokmål
- Format: Innbundet
- Antall: sider 596

Ordinær pris 199,00 krEmpires have collided here, cultures have clashed. Buddhist India claimed it from the south, Islam put down roots in its western approaches, Mongols and Manchus rode in from the north, and, from the east, China continues to absorb what it prefers not to call Tibet. Hunters have decimated its wildlife and mountaineers have bagged its peaks.
Today, machinery gouges minerals out of its rock. Roughly the size of Europe, the region is one of the most seismically active on the planet. Summers bring avalanches, rainfall triggers landslides and winters obliterate trails.
Glaciers retreat, rivers change course and whole lakes quietly evaporate. To some, Himalaya is an otherworldly realm, profoundly life-changing, yet forbidding and forbidden. It has mesmerised scholars and mystics, sportsmen and spies, pilgrims and mapmakers who have mingled with the farmers and traders on the Roof of the World.
Himalaya is the story of one of the last great wildernesses and, in particular, of the bizarre discoveries and improbable achievements of its pioneers. Ranging from botany to trade, from the Great Game to todays geopolitics, John Keay draws on a lifetime of exploration and study to enlighten and delight with this lively biography of a region in crisis.
- Forfatter: John Keay
- Publisert: Okt. 2023
- Antall sider: 432
- ISBN: 9781408891162

Into Thin Air
Ordinær pris 179,00 krJon Krakauer's Into Thin Air is the true story of a 24-hour period on Everest, when members of three separate expeditions were caught in a storm and faced a battle against hurricane-force winds, exposure, and the effects of altitude, which ended in the worst single-season death toll in the peak's history.
In March 1996, Outside magazine sent veteran journalist and seasoned climber Jon Krakauer on an expedition led by celebrated Everest guide Rob Hall. Despite the expertise of Hall and the other leaders, by the end of summit day, eight people were dead. Krakauer's book is at once the story of the ill-fated adventure and an analysis of the factors leading up to its tragic end. Written within months of the events it chronicles, Into Thin Air clearly evokes the majestic Everest landscape.
As the journey up the mountain progresses, Krakauer puts it in context by recalling the triumphs and perils of other Everest trips throughout history. The author's own anguish over what happened on the mountain is palpable as he leads readers to ponder timeless questions.
One of the inspirations for the major motion picture Everest, starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Keira Knightley.
- Forfatter: Jon Krakauer
- Publisert: 2024
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- Antall sider: 352
- ISBN: 9781035038558