- Afghanistan
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- Antigua og Barbuda
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- Australia
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- Tsjekkia
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- Uganda
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1916 produkter
Ordinær pris 299,00 krThis new third edition of Bradt's Guyana remains the only guidebook available to this South American gem, a jungle-clad country teeming with exotic wildlife. Thoroughly researched, easy to use and interesting to read, Bradt's Guyana is written and updated by writers who have lived in and promoted Guyana for many years and is an ideal companion for all travellers, from wildlife watchers to fishermen, anthropologists to conservationists and 'voluntourists'. Guyana is a destination on the rise, described - justifiably - by the tourist board as 'South America Undiscovered'.
This new edition of Bradt's Guyana has been updated to include all the latest developments, ranging from how to see harpy eagles at Warapoka to new culinary experiences, local tour operators, 4x4 self-drive and new hotels. Truly off the beaten track, Guyana is one of the most fascinating and least-known countries in the Americas. It is also the only English-speaking country in South America.
The jewel in its crown is the mouth-droppingly beautiful Kaieteur Falls, which is nearly five times the height of Niagara and the world's tallest single-drop waterfall. Culturally Caribbean, its capital Georgetown is a curious melting-pot of quaint Dutch and British colonial architecture, steel drums, boisterous nightlife, rum shops with world-class rum, cricket and tropical sea breezes. It is also the gateway to the lush interior which is full to the brim with fascinating flora and fauna including monkeys, black caiman, harpy eagles, giant anteaters, otters and the mighty jaguar.
With Bradt's Guyana, discover all of this, plus where to stay in community lodges and see the rainforest through the eyes of Amerindian guides, where to watch turtles nesting on the beach, how to explore the moody Essequibo river (the largest between the Orinoco and the Amazon), and how to visit the million-acre rainforest reserve of Iwokrama for the ultimate authentic wildlife experience. This third edition of Bradt's Guyana is the key book to plan an expedition into its densely forested lush interior, often accessible only by boat or small aircraft, before taking some 'time to lime' in a hammock in one of its tropical waterfront resorts.
- Forfatter: Kirk Smock
- Publisert: Juni 2018
- Utgave: 3. utgave
- Antall sider: 324
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781841629292
Ordinær pris 269,00 krBradt travel guides er et engelsk forlag med over 200 titler som I hovedsak er skrevet for turister som bruker offentlige transportmidler og egne ben. Bradt har vunnet mange priser for reisehåndbøkene sine som er kjent for å være sterke på mindre kjente reisemål som ikke er overfylt av turister. Forfatterne sørger gjerne for å gi bøkene en personlig ”touch”, og er ikke redde for å være subjektive. Dette gjør dem både til tider morsomme I tillegg til å være informative og enkle å lese. Bradt travel guides var svært tidlig ute med fokus på viktige emner som øko-turisme og den reisendes ansvar som gjest I et fremmed land. Reisehåndbøkene gir råd til hvordan man best kan nyte en eventyrlig reise borte fra turisthordene samtidig som man gjør det mulig for lokale samfunn og natur å dra nytte av besøket. Bradt guides er guidebøkene til mindre kjente reisemål du ikke vil finne hos andre utgivere. De er gode følgesvenner for eventyrlystne med ryggsekk på et gjennomsnittlig budsjett. Bradt-serien highlights er ideell for deg som planlegger for en gruppe/familie og som sikter på å få mest mulig ut av reisen. Bøkene er skrevet I samarbeid med gode turoperatører og gir en snarvei I planleggingsprosessen til en reise uten trøbbel. I tillegg har bradt har også titler med særlig fokus på plante- og dyreliv, alle med ordet wildlife som en del av tittelen. To mindre og gode bradt-serier er eccentric som fokuserer på det sprø, morsomme og andreldes destinasjoner og slow guides med forslag til båt-, vandre- og sykkelturer I storbritannia.
forfattere: Paul clammer
Publisert måned: Nov
Publisert år: 2016
Utgave: 2.utg
Sider nr: 232
Hamburg & Nordtyskland
Ordinær pris 329,00 krVelkjente danske reisehåndbøker fra Politikens forlag. Guidene inneholder det essensielle ved reisemålet: Beskrivelser av severdigheter, oversikt over aktivitets- og sportstilbud, råd og tips til dem som reiser med barn, samt praktisk informasjon for øvrig. Bøkene byr dessuten på underholdende tematekster og kart, og de er rikt illustrerte. Flotte for kortere turer og populære blant dem som reiser på organiserte opplegg. Hendig lommeformat.
- Publisert: 2019
- Utgave: 6. utgave
- Antall sider: 144
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Dansk
- ISBN: 9788740045918
Ordinær pris 249,00 krHardangervidda, kjent som «Norges tak», er Europas største høyfjellsplatå og et av de mest populære turområdene vi har. I denne boka får du oversikt over de fineste turene og de koseligste hyttene, alt krydret med beste historiene. Hardangervidda har et varierte landskap i et stort, uberørt landskap. Vidda har et rikt dyreliv og mange fantastiske fiskevann, noe som gjør den til et populært turområde for friluftsentusiaster. Med et nettverk av stier er det perfekt for fotturer, langrenn og fiske året rundt. I denne vesle boka får du tips til det aller beste Hardangervidda kan tilby deg som vil ut på tur.
Boka kommer i et praktisk A6-format slik at du kan ha dem i lomma eller i sekken når du er på tur.
- Forfatter: Jacob og Per Roger Lauritzen
- Publisert: 2024
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Antall sider: 124
- Språk: Norsk bokmål
- ISBN: 9788202826741
Haute Route - Chamonix/Zermatt
Ordinær pris 349,00 krGuide for the iconic Haute Route: Glacier Trek from Chamonix to Zermatt, taking in classic alpine scenery.
Undoubtedly the world's most famous ski traverse, the Haute Route takes skiers through the most prestigious ranges of the Alps, crossing the glaciers and high passes between Chamonix (F) and Zermatt (CH). Every year, around 4000 skiers undertake this unforgettable one-week traverse between the mountaineering capitals of the Alps.
The introductory sections provide a wealth of practical advice on preparation, strategy and equipment, plus expert tips and a brief history of the traverse, all of which serve to highlight the alpine dimension of the Haute Route. Each stage is then presented in detail through comprehensive route descriptions, profiles of the climbs and descents, sketch maps and photos showing the route to follow.
Forfattere: Francois matet
Publisert måned: Jul
Publisert år: 2013
Utgave: 1utg
Sider nr: 241
Ordinær pris 229,00 krMye form og enda mer innhold! Dette er en av de mest suksessfylte guidebok-seriene det siste tiåret. Brukere av denne boka setter stor pris på forslagene til gåturer, og boka gir også rikelig med informasjon til forberedelser av reisen. Særlig god på storbyer!
A clutch of islands scattered across the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii is a tropical paradise. Whether you want to admire Hawaii's fiery volcanoes or explore its diverse coastlines, uncover history at Pearl Harbour or discover vibrant cities like Honolulu, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Hawaii has to offer. Surrounded by cobalt-blue waters teeming with exotic marine life, the Hawaiian islands are characterized by pristine beaches shaded by swaying palms, blossoming forests dotted with thundering waterfalls, and dramatic cliffs dropping steeply to the sea.
Redesigned and updated, our guide transports you to Hawaii like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations, which place you inside this US state's historic sights and iconic neighbourhoods. We've also worked hard to make sure our information is as up-to-date as possible following the COVID-19 outbreak. You'll discover:-our pick of Hawaii's must-sees, top experiences and hidden gems-the best spots to eat, drink, shop and stay -detailed maps and walks which make navigating Hawaii easy.
- Publisert: Februar 2022
- Antall sider: 256
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9780241418345
Ordinær pris 299,00 krRikt illustrerte bøker med mye bakgrunnstoff. Insight Guides går nøye til verks både når det gjelder historie, kultur og bakgrunn, før de tar for seg de forskjellige delene av området tittelen dekker, en etter en. Serien er kjent for sine fantastiske fotografier og er derfor svært populære ”før-reisen-bøker” - til planlegging og dagdrømming. Bøkene er dessuten egnet for den som ikke behøver bekymre seg stort over bosted og transport under reisen, men kan konsentrere seg om å lese bakgrunnstoff. Utfyllende sammen med for eksempel Lonely Planet. Populære gaver!
- Publisert: Juni 2022
- Utgave: 15. utgave
- Antall sider: 312
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781839053115
Hiking and Cycling the California Missions Trail
Ordinær pris 349,00 krA guidebook to walking or cycling the California Missions Trail. The 802 mile (1291km) pilgrimage route from Sonoma to San Diego links 21 Christian missions founded by the Spanish over 200 years ago. It can be enjoyed by walkers of all abilities, or alternatively, 95% of the route is also suitable for road bikes.
The Missions Trail is described in 20 stages of between 16 and 60 miles, with alternative options for cyclists. It can be walked in 50-60 days or cycled in 12-20 days.
- Forfatter: Sandy Brown
- Publisert år: 2022
- Antall sider: 320
- ISBN: 9781786311139
Hiking in Hong Kong
Ordinær pris 329,00 krAlthough Hong Kong is often thought of as intrinsically urban, just a short distance from the big cities are lush mountains and attractive and varied countryside. This guide presents the highlights of this hiking-friendly territory, detailing 21 graded day walks and four short treks: Hong Kong Trail (presented in 3 day stages), Lantau Trail (5 days), MacLehose Trail (5 days) and Wilson Trail (5 days). The day walks - of 5 to 22.5km - cover Hong Kong, Kowloon, the New Territories and the islands and range from easy hikes suitable for families to challenging ascents of Hong Kong's highest peaks.
The territory's compact nature and excellent public transport infrastructure make it easy to access the routes. The guide has all you need to explore Hong Kong's excellent network of trails. Route description is accompanied by clear mapping and there are comprehensive notes - including Chinese place names - to help visitors navigate the public transport system.
Alongside practicalities such as getting there, equipment and weather, information on local points of interest offers an insight into Hong Kong's rich geology, history and culture. The Hong Kong archipelago is one of surprising diversity and contrast, where high-rise modern cities are set against a backdrop of verdant green mountains, and sandy beaches lie right alongside dense jungle. There are also plenty of opportunities for wildlife-spotting and chances to experience the fascinating 'East meets West' culture.
- Forfattere: S. Whitmarsh
- Publisert: 2023
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Antall sider: 264
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781786310514
Hiking in Norway - South
Ordinær pris 329,00 krThis guide describes 10 shorter hut-to-hut treks showcasing southern Norway's wild natural beauty, with highlights including Galdhopiggen - Norway's highest peak at 2469m - and the iconic Pulpit Rock and Kjeragbolten on the Lysefjord. The routes range from 3 to 8 days (although many can be adapted or combined to create longer or shorter routes) and cover Jotunheimen, Rondane, Dovrefjell, Trollheimen and Ryfylke. They are suitable for experienced hikers with a good level of fitness and can be walked from mid-July to the end of September.
Clear route description and mapping are provided for each hike. Stages are graded according to difficulty: although all of the routes follow waymarked trails, some cross remote and challenging terrain which may include exposed sections calling for a sure foot and a good head for heights. However, in many instances, alternatives are provided avoiding the most demanding sections.
The guide also offers comprehensive advice on public transport access and accommodation options, and background notes on each of the featured mountain regions. From narrow ridges to wide glacial valleys and from shimmering fjords to striking alpine peaks, Norway is home to many awe-inspiring landscapes. Throw in the warmth and hospitality of the Norwegian Trekking Association's extensive hut network and you have all the ingredients of a fantastic adventure.
This guide is an ideal companion to discovering some of Norway's classic shorter hikes and best-loved mountain landscapes.
- Forfatter: Ute Koninx
- Publisert: Jan 2021
- Utgave: 2. utgave
- Antall sider: 296
- ISBN: 9781852849757
Hiking Nerja
Ordinær pris 249,00 krVi forbinder sydkysten av Spania med sol og badeliv, men området kan også tilby fantastiske fjellturer. De beskriver vi her. I boken brukes bilder for å vise vei, både for kjøring og for turen. Da vil du ikke være i tvil om hvor du skal gå.
- Forfattere: Kai A. Olsen, Helge Tveit og Grete Waldal
- Publisert: 2021
- Innbinding: Spiral
- Antall sider: 112
- Språk: Norsk, engelsk og spansk
Hill Towns of Central Italy
Ordinær pris 179,00 krYou can count on Rick Steves to tell you what you really need to know when traveling in the hill towns of central Italy. In this compact guide, Rick Steves covers the essentials of the hill towns, including San Gimignano, Volterra, Montepulciano, and Cortona. Explore the Galgano Monastery, Volterra's Etruscan Gate, Orvieto's Duomo, or relax while wine tasting in Montalcino.
You'll get Rick's firsthand advice on the best sights, eating, sleeping, and nightlife, and the maps and self-guided tours will ensure you make the most of your experience. More than just reviews and directions, a Rick Steves Snapshot guide is a tour guide in your pocket. Rick Steves Snapshot guides consist of excerpted chapters from Rick Steves European country guidebooks.
- Publisert: Januar 2023
- Antall sider: 236
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781641715256
Ordinær pris 329,00 krVelkjente danske reisehåndbøker fra Politikens forlag. Guidene inneholder det essensielle ved reisemålet: Beskrivelser av severdigheter, oversikt over aktivitets- og sportstilbud, råd og tips til dem som reiser med barn, samt praktisk informasjon for øvrig. Bøkene byr dessuten på underholdende tematekster og kart, og de er rikt illustrerte. Flotte for kortere turer og populære blant dem som reiser på organiserte opplegg. Hendig lommeformat.
- Publisert: 2024
- Utgave: 8. utgave
- Antall sider: 152
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Dansk
- ISBN: 9788740089196
Hong Kong
Ordinær pris 249,00 kr"Backpackernes bibel" er ofte en sikker vinner, også for Hong Kong. Her får du det aller meste av informasjon du kan komme til å trenge, i en grundig og oversiktlig guide. Lonely Planet-guidene inneholder anbefalinger i flere priskategorier, og tar for seg et stort spenn av aktiviteter, steder og attraksjoner, og er dermed et godt valg for de fleste reisende. Guidene inneholder få bilder, og er dermed først og fremst en informativ, heller enn en inspirerende guide - men den er likevel garantert å vekke reiselysten i deg.
- Publisert: Desember 2021
- Utgave: 19. utgave
- Antall sider: 320
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781788680776
Hong Kong & Macau
Ordinær pris 129,00 krMarco Polo Pocket Guide Hong Kong: the Travel Guide with Insider Tips. Explore Hong Kong with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the city's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget.
There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place. Let Marco Polo show you all this incredible city has to offer... In Hong Kong explore the urban canyons, giant shopping centres and lively markets.
Eating dim sum in a teahouse and taking the tram up the Peak are just as much part of the programme as an evening laser show in the harbour, an excursion to the New Territories or lazing on the beach. Enjoy an excursion to Macau where you can immerse yourself in a world of colonial buildings and casino hotels and the Macanese cuisine full of unique delicacies. This is Hong Kong! Your Marco Polo Hong Kong Pocket Guide includes: Insider Tips - we show you the hidden gems and little known secrets that offer a real insight into the city where dragons breathe fire, where you can enjoy a lively lunch on Sundays and where you might like to head for a good night out.
Publisert måned: Jan
Publisert år: 2018
Utgave: 1.Utg
Sider nr:156
Honolulu & O´ahu
Ordinær pris 169,00 krAloha! Explore the natural and cultural beauty of Honolulu and O'ahu on your next adventure. From clear water and turquoise coves, palm-shaded beaches and exhilarating surfing spots to rich historical, culinary and linguistic experiences, Honolulu is an island getaway like no other. Welcome to Honolulu and O'ahu! Situated in the Pacific and off the coast of mainland North America, this island offers activities and sites that will take your breath away.
Try traditional Hawaiian food after a long day of sightseeing, snorkelling at Hanauma Bay, or relaxing on Waikiki beach. Immerse yourself in its nightlife and cultural heritage or walk one of the many Honolulu hiking trails. There's something for everyone on this incredible island, and your DK travel book shows you exactly what to do whether it's an adventure, relaxation or history you're after!
- Publisert: Oktober 2023
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9780241622346
Honolulu, Waikiki & O'ahu
Ordinær pris 279,00 krLonely Planet's Honolulu, Waikiki & Oahu is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Try the hula, snorkel turquoise waters, or enjoy stunning ocean views; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Honolulu, Waikiki & Oahu and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet's Honolulu, Waikiki & Oahu: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020's COVID-19 outbreak Color maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots. Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss. Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, people, music, landscapes, surfing, wildlife, cuisine, arts & crafts, politics. Covers Honolulu, Waikiki, Pearl Harbor & Leeward O'ahu, Southeast O'ahu, Windward Coast, North Shore & Central O-ahu, and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Honolulu, Waikiki & Oahu, our most comprehensive guide to Honolulu, Waikiki & Oahu, is perfect for discovering both popular and off-the-beaten-path experiences.
- Publisert: aug 2024
- Utgave: 7. utgave
- Antall sider: 236
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
Ordinær pris 299,00 krFrom deciding when to go, to choosing what to see when you arrive, this guide to hungary is all you need to plan your perfect trip, with insider information on must-see, top attractions like budapest, the danube valley and debrecen, and cultural gems like the opulent fertod palace, the outstanding hortobagy national park and the magnificent city of pecs. Features of this travel guide to hungary:- inspirational colour photography: Discover the best destinations, sights and excursions, and be inspired by stunning imagery- historical and cultural insights: Immerse yourself in hungary's rich history and culture, and learn all about ferenc mora, lajos kossuth and hungarian folk culture. - practical full-colour maps: With every major sight and listing highlighted, the full-colour maps make on-the-ground navigation easy- editor's choice: Uncover the best of hungary with our pick of the region's top destinations- key tips and essential information: Packed full of important travel information, from transport and tipping to etiquette and hours of operation.
- Publisert: 2020
- Utgave: 4. utgave
- Antall Sider: 295
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781789191813
Ordinær pris 279,00 krPeople say Budapest is the Paris of Central Europe. Maybe that statement is true because it combines a combination of western luxuries, architectural beauty, and cosmopolitan European traditions. But this baroque city is still connected to its Eastern European heritage with the steaming baths, incredibly complex language and lusty cuisine.
Budapest straddles a curve in the river Danube which bisects two distinct parts. The east side is known as Pest and the west side is known as Buda, hence Budapest. It’s a very logical, well laid out city.
Castle Hill is the premier destination for visitors and contains many of Budapest's most important monuments and museums, and great views of Pest across the blue Danube. Pastel houses lining cobbled streets and stone balustrade overlooks give this citadel a fairy tale quality, while bullet holes from the unsuccessful 1956 uprising pockmark many buildings. Michelin Short-Stays Guides are a handy pocket guide with a detachable map to help you get around and explore the city or country that you are visiting.
Presenting the top attractions for a 24-hour visit, a weekend or longer. You'll find a choice of restaurants for any budget. This pocket-size guide helps you do it all with its detailed maps, recommended places to eat and stay, and Michelin's respected star-rating system.
A detachable map is included to help you plan and navigate your trip with ease. Each guide has an introductory welcome to section with how to get there, Must Sees, Top Picks, Favourites and a Suggested Itinarary. Use the Discovering section to plan your own visit to sights and attractions, each attraction is listed with one to three stars,* Interesting, ** Recommended, and *** Highly Recommended.
A comprehensive addresses section with Where to Eat, Where to Drink, Shopping, Nightlife and finally Where to Stay. The Find Out More Section will give you a little history of the city the guide covers,along with information about Architecture, Activities for Kids, Sports and other special activities or specialities of the city or region you are visiting. Finally the Planning your Trip Section, has practical information, Know before you go.
Basic Information, driving, cycling, public transportation, tax's, sports, taxi's and telephones. There is also a festivals and events calendar lisiting annual events and other exhibitions. * Detachable Map of the local area* Coloured sections to use the guide, colour photographs* Unmissable must see sights and attractionsand places to visit* Star selections ***, **, ** Address lists of restaurants, hotels, cafes, and bars.
- Publisert: Juli 2020
- Antall sider: 444
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9782067243293
Ordinær pris 169,00 krExplore Ibiza and Formentera with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the island's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place.
Let Marco Polo show you all these wonderful Spanish islands have to offer. From the glorious white sandy beaches and turquoise waters of Formentera to the legendary club scene in Ibiza and far beyond, the Marco Polo travel guide takes you to the heart of these beautiful Mediterranean islands. Explore the cobbled streets of Ibiza Old Town and the quaint harbour and hippy market of Es Cana, discover vibrant villages, gourmet cuisine, rustic bars and beautiful churches with the Marco Polo Pocket Guide to Ibiza.
- Publisert: Mars 2024
- Antall sider: 144
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781914515798
Ibiza & Formentera
Ordinær pris 249,00 krDisse små blå vandreguidene I lommeformat har blitt en favoritt blant ferierende med utflukter og natur på programmet. Da de ble sammenliknet med andre fottur-guider I aftenposten for et par år siden, vant de testen med god margin! Inneholder kart I målestokk 1:5./1:75., ruteforslag og hendige tips for fotturister - og for de som vil komme seg rundt ved hjelp av bil eller sykkel.
The go-to Ibiza walking guide for over 30 years. Strap on your boots and discover Ibiza and Formentera on foot with the Sunflower Ibiza travel guide. And on the days when your feet may have had enough, enjoy some spectacular scenery on one of our legendary car or bike tours.
The Sunflower Ibiza guide is indispensable for hiking in Ibiza or seeing Ibiza by car. There's an unending wealth of hidden beauty spots to be discovered, and this book helps you to find the best of Ibiza and Formentera by car, bicycle, or on foot. Routes have been recently checked for this new edition of our guidebook to walking in Ibiza and Formentera and there are two bonuses: firstly, there are GPS tracks for all the treks and cycle tours; secondly, for the adventurous, the author has described a round-the-island hike for which detailed stages and GPS tracks are available.
forfattere: Hans losse
Publisert måned: Mar
Publisert år: 2023
Utgave: 6.Utg
Sider nr: 135
Ordinær pris 169,00 krThe world's bestselling pocket guides. Striking, evocative and wild - Iceland's magnificent fjords, smouldering volcanoes, thunderous waterfalls and seething geysers never fail to capture the imagination. Make the most of your trip to the "Land of Fire and Ice" with DK Eyewitness Top 10. Planning is a breeze with our simple lists of ten, covering the very best that Iceland has to offer and ensuring that you don't miss a thing.
Best of all, the pocket-friendly format is light and easily portable; the perfect companion while out and about.
- Publisert: September 2024
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9780241676134
Ordinær pris 259,00 krDenne praktiske reiseguiden til Island inneholder detaljerte reisetips og oversikt over de mest ikoniske severdigheter, samt noen skatter utenfor allfarvei. Med forslagene til reiseruter og forfatterens ekspertise utvalg av ting å se og gjøre blir denne boken til en perfekt følgesvenn både i forkant og underveis på turen. Denne Island-guideboken er fullpakket med detaljer om hvordan du kommer deg dit og rundt, informasjon før avreise og topp tidsbesparende tips, inkludert en visuell liste over ting du ikke bør gå glipp av. De fargekodede kart gjør det enklere å navigere mens oppdager Island.
- Publisert: Mai 2022
- Utgave: 8. utgave
- Antall sider: 342
- Språk: Engelsk
- Innbinding: Heftet
- ISBN: 9781789197433
Ordinær pris 299,00 kr"Backpackernes bibel" er ofte en sikker vinner, også for Island. Her får du det aller meste av informasjon du kan komme til å trenge, i en grundig og oversiktlig guide. Lonely Planet-guidene inneholder anbefalinger i flere priskategorier, og tar for seg et stort spenn av aktiviteter, steder og attraksjoner, og er dermed et godt valg for de fleste reisende. Guidene inneholder få bilder, og er dermed først og fremst en informativ, heller enn en inspirerende guide - men den er likevel garantert å vekke reiselysten i deg.
- Publisert: Mars 2024
- Utgave: 13. utgave
- Antall sider: 352
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781838693619
Ordinær pris 299,00 krRikt illustrerte bøker med mye bakgrunnstoff. Insight Guides går nøye til verks både når det gjelder historie, kultur og bakgrunn, før de tar for seg de forskjellige delene av området tittelen dekker, en etter en. Serien er kjent for sine fantastiske fotografier og er derfor svært populære ”før-reisen-bøker” - til planlegging og dagdrømming. Bøkene er dessuten egnet for den som ikke behøver bekymre seg stort over bosted og transport under reisen, men kan konsentrere seg om å lese bakgrunnstoff. Utfyllende sammen med for eksempel Lonely Planet. Populære gaver!
- Publisert: Juni 2022
- Utgave: 10. utgave
- Antall sider: 344
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781839053146
Ordinær pris 289,00 krThis new, thoroughly updated fifth edition of Bradt's award-winning Iceland guide remains the most in-depth guide available to one of the few countries in the world that has no mosquitoes, no ants, no Starbucks and no MacDonalds. Featuring honest, practical information from an author who has repeatedly visited the country over twenty years and is familiar with its language, history and culture, Bradt's Iceland has won the Lowell Thomas Award (the highest travel writing award available in the United States) and provides more context for individual places than any other guidebook, plus frank, investigative hotel and restaurant reviews that hide nothing. This latest edition covers everything you would expect, from the Northern Lights to snow mobiling, dog sledding, visiting West Fjords, Iceland's remotest corner, and the Laugavegur trail, Iceland's most famous 5-day trek.
New developments covered include the merging together of different Nature Reserves and National Parks under the 'Vatnajoekull National Park' banner, better infrastructure throughout the entire country, new hotels, restaurants, bars and geothermal spas, and more tour companies offering a wider variety of activities. For Reykjavik, there has been a complete update of the city's nightlife, restaurants, hotels, swimming pools and festivals, while other new features include fuller coverage of East Iceland, visiting hot springs and spas, 4X4 adventures in the Icelandic Highlands, plus more details of how and where to experience Iceland's amazing wildlife. Bradt's Iceland also offers the most detailed maps of any guidebook.
- Forfatter: Andrew Evans
- Publisert: Januar 2022
- Utgave: 5. utgave
- Antall sider: 472
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784776459
Ordinær pris 219,00 krThe Iceland Marco Polo Travel Guide and Handbook offers expert, in-depth advice, ideal for planning your own, independent trip. From detailed cultural information to Marco Polo's renowned Insider Tips, whatever your mood or interest, this detailed yet concise Iceland travel guide is the perfect travel companion. Inside the Iceland Marco Polo Travel Guide and Handbook:Iceland - shaped by elemental forces: This Iceland guide book leads you round a special kind of destination where elemental forces of nature have created landscapes of breathtaking beauty.
- Publisert: April 2019
- Utgave: 2. utgave
- Antall sider: 354
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9783829768184
Ordinær pris 249,00 krA soak in the surreal Blue Lagoon. Salmon and lobster feasts in Reykjavík. Witnessing the Northern Lights in midwinter.
Iceland offers enough bucket-list experiences to fill a lifetime. Whatever your dream trip involves, this DK Eyewitness travel guide is the perfect companion. This new first edition brings Iceland to life, transporting you there as no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations, which take you inside the country's buildings and neighbourhoods.
- Publisert: Juli 2024
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- Utgave: 1.Utg
- ISBN: 9780241682142