43 produkter
43 produkter
43 produkter
236 Bornholm
Ordinær pris 229,00 krKompass sine vandrekart er av de aller beste til sitt bruk, de er lettleste, detaljerte og oppdaterte! De spesialiserer seg på Sentral-Europa (de tysktalende landene samt Italia og Spania), hvor de er de mest solgte vandrekartene i vår butikk. De har selvfølgelig GPS-koordinater, samt en liten guide følger hvert kart, men vær oppmerksom på at denne er på tysk!
711 Scandinavia & Finland
Ordinær pris 149,00 krMichelin er en av verdens beste, og best kjente, kartserier. Kartene har glimrende kartografi. Dekker et enkelt land eller en gruppe land primært med hovedferdselsårer.
CK22 Danmark
Ordinær pris 299,00 krNyrevidert, detaljert veikart med kilometeravstander og nummererte motorveikryss. Naturskjønne veier er uthevet. Bornholm, Læsø og Anholt er innfelt som egne kartutsnitt. Eget kartutsnitt Stor-København. Registerhefte innlimt i omslaget.
Ordinær pris 99,00 krKart i postkortstørrelse. Folder seg ut som en popoutbok når du åpner dem. Fargerik turistinformasjon med kart over metro og busstraseer, landemerker og lignende. Veldig enkel å håndtere.
Ordinær pris 119,00 krLonely Planet City Map er slitesterkt og vanntett, med en hendig slipcase og et format som er lett å brette. Få mer ut av kartet og reisen din med bilder og informasjon om byattraksjoner, transportkart, reiseruteforslag, omfattende gate- og nettstedsindeks og praktiske reisetips. Med dette brukervennlige navigasjonsverktøyet i baklommen kan du virkelig komme til hjertet av din destinasjon!
Ordinær pris 169,00 krMarco Polo er svært detajerte kart som er praktiske og enkle i bruk. 7 klistremerker for å markere spesifikke steder gjør det enda enklere å planlegge reisen. Alle kartene inneholder en omfattende index for enkelt å finne frem.
Denmark at 1:300,000 on a road map from Marco Polo Travel Publishing with special features to aid route planning, a street plan of central Copenhagen, plus an inset showing access to the adjoining areas of Sweden: the bridge to Malmö and the ferry connections to Helsingborg and Landskrona.
A fold-out extension of the map cover gives at-a-glance overview of the whole area covered by the map with the adjoining regions, highlighting main places of interest and making it much easier to find various localities on the main map and/or plan a route. A set of seven peel-on/peel-off stickers, removable without damaging the map, is provided to make routes or locations more prominent when navigating.
Cartography is from the renowned German publishers Mairs Dumont. Road network includes minor local roads and selected unsurfaced tracks, indicates motorway services, truck shops, toll stations, traffic or seasonal restrictions, etc, and gives driving distances on main and most secondary routes. Scenic roads, special tourist routes and viewpoints are highlighted. Railway lines, ferry routes and local airports are included.
Publisert år:2023
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:350000
Ordinær pris 199,00 krTysk kartserie med flotte kart på slitesterkt plastpapir.
Denmark + Greenland & Faroe Islands
Ordinær pris 189,00 krDenmark at 1:400,000 on a road map from Freytag & Berndt with an index in a separate booklet attached to the map cover which also contains street plans of central Copenhagen, Aarhus and Odense. Coverage includes the south-western coast of Sweden up to Gothenburg.
Road network clearly shows motorway services, highlights toll roads and scenic or special tourist routes, and gives driving distances on main and selected secondary routes. Also shown are ferry routes, both within Denmark and with Swedish ports. Symbols indicate various facilities and places of interest including campsites and youth hostels, historical and cultural sites, nature reserves, etc. The map has latitude and longitude lines at 30’ intervals. The index, in a separate booklet attached to the map cover, lists locations with their postcodes. Map legend includes English.
On the reverse are maps of the Faroe Islands (1:400,000) and Greenland (1:4,000,000); locations on these two maps are not included in the index.
Denmark North + South + Cycling Routes
Ordinær pris 299,00 krDette store østerriske kartforlaget er kjent for sin klare kartografi og gode papirkvalitet. De kommer i alle målestokker, og flere av landkartene inneholder bykart og turistinformasjon.
Denmark: Copenhagen
Ordinær pris 129,00 krDette store østerriske kartforlaget er kjent for sin klare kartografi og gode papirkvalitet. De kommer i alle målestokker, og flere av landkartene inneholder bykart og turistinformasjon.
Ordinær pris 169,00 krGreenland at 1:1,900,000 on a double-sided, indexed, waterproof and tear-resistant map from Reise Know-How with plenty of topographic information, ferry and air connections, highlighting for places of interest, routes of cross- Greenland expeditions, etc.
The map divides Greenland north/south with a good overlap between the sides and presents Greenland’s topography by altitude colouring in bands of 500 metres and numerous spot heights, plus plenty of names of mountain ranges, peaks, glaciers, coastal bays and fjords, etc. Current Greenlandic names are used with, where appropriate, the previous Danish names also shown (Nuuk / Godthab, Pituffik / Thule, etc).
The map shows ferry lines along the south-western coastline, airfields, aerodromes and heliports, locations with hotels, various places of interest including whale watching sites, etc. Also marked are internal administrative boundaries, the boundary of the North-East Greenland National Park, and the routes of various cross-Greenland expeditions in the early decades of the 20th century. The map has an index of settlements and shows latitude lines at 2° intervals, with longitude lines at 3°. Map legend includes English.
An inset provides a map of the North Atlantic, showing Greenland with most of Western Europe including Svalbard, and the north-eastern coast of North America from New York to Canada’s Arctic islands.
Greenland & North Pole
Ordinær pris 179,00 krGreenland is indeed a fascinating place to visit. Granted, much of it consists of inaccessible Icefields that, if they melted, would detrimentally raise ocean levels to catastrophic levels. The coastal regions are, however, inhabited, and it is possible to fly in or take an adventuresome cruise with Linblad and visit the giant island. Three-quarters of Greenland lies above the Arctic Circle and ice bergs carved out of the many slowly-moving rivers of ice are commonplace in the North Atlantic. Due to sea ice, the notable attractions of the island tend to be concentrated in the southern third.
The original settlers are not the Norse, but Inuit peoples who migrated eastwards from what is now Canada’s northland. Although the area has been a Danish possession for centuries, only the relatively narrow Nares Strait separates it from Canada’s Ellesmere Island, and the famous Thule Air Force base is considerably south of Alert, Nunavut. The second side of the sheet is a separate map of the entire North Polar Region, centred on the true North Pole itself.
The Polar Region consists of everything north of the Arctic Circle, but this map extends the concept southward to the 55th parallel, thereby including all of Scandinavia, including Denmark, as well as all of northern Canada, northern Russia, Greenland, Iceland, Alaska, and even Scotland, Estonia, and Latvia. A tiny portion of Ireland and a goodly chunk of Belarus also fall into the range of this map, which is very interesting, and is unique. No other such map exists. It was prepared by the Canada Map Office as a project and is used here with permission. Believe it or not, as a result, this map is copyright by the Queen, as are all government maps produced in Canada. I think that’s a nice touch for an international map! Being a circular projection, the printing is from Canada at the ‘bottom; thus, the place names for Russia and Scandinavia are oriented from the perspective of a wall map. In other words, nomenclature is consistently downwards, not circular, so if the map is rotated, Russian place names would be upside down.
The significance of this map cannot be understated. It is the only one ever prepared as a survey-specific quality of every nation on earth that could consider itself ‘polar’. Its scale prevents undue detail, but we have noted a short series of trivia points of note, such as the difference between true north and the magnetic pole, or the largest urban area in the region (Murmansk), or the location of the most northerly known thermal hot spring (Alaska). The urban area closest to the North Pole is Alert, at the top end of Canada’s Ellesmere Island, at about the 83rd parallel. Both these maps are so interesting that they are easy sells. The cover is double-sided, so can be presented on retail shelves either with Greenland outwards, or North Pole outwards. Either way, it sells. Enjoy!
Hærvejen - Historisk vandrerute gjennom Jylland Sykkel
Ordinær pris 279,00 krNå kan du bare gå deg vill med vilje på Hærvejen – nye detaljerte kart i høy kvalitet.
Danmarks mest ikoniske rute: Hærvejens gang- og sykkelrute, har nettopp fått nye fysiske kart. Ruten, som strekker seg over mer enn 650 km for turgåere og over 450 km for syklister, presenteres nå i en oppdatert og friluftsvennlig kvalitet.
En ny standard for utendørs kart.
Det har gått nesten ti år siden de siste kartene ble publisert, men de nye kartene er nå tilgjengelige, trykt på værbestandig steinpapir. Disse kartene, designet av den dyktige kartografen Andreas Hammershøi, er ikke bare funksjonelle, men også estetisk tiltalende. De 15 kommunene langs Hærvejen har samarbeidet tett gjennom våren for å sikre at kartene nøyaktig gjengir traseen og tilhørende anlegg som vannpunkter, toaletter og leskur. Som en nyhet inneholder kartene også informasjon om rutens overflate, som er en viktig detalj for både turgåere og syklister.
Opplev det beste det danske landskapet og naturen har å by på – fra kystskråninger og sanddyner, over kuperte sletter og åpne landskap til elvedaler, åser, heier og åpent jordbruksland. Hærvejen tilbyr en unik mulighet til å nyte variasjonen i det danske landskapet mens du følger en historisk rute.
Ilulissat - 20000
Ordinær pris 299,00 krSisimiut Kangerlussuaq
Ordinær pris 299,00 kr