48 produkter
48 produkter
48 produkter
Austria: Rund um Innsbruck WK 5241
Ordinær pris 199,00 krFreytag & Berndt turkart er den perfekte følgesvennen for fotturer, fjellklatring og skiturer, takket være detaljert digital kartografi og presise målestokker. De revideres jevnlig og inneholder oppdatert informasjon om turstier, sykkel- og terrengsykkelstier, hytter, naturminner, kulturattraksjoner og fritidstilbud.
Det vedlagte informasjonsheftet inneholder et utvalg av de beste turstiene, sykkelstiene og terrengsykkelløypene samt en kort beskrivelse av de enkelte kommunene med sine fritidsaktiviteter. (Språk: tysk)
Fritidsinformasjon, tur- og langturer, terrengsykling og sykkelturer, lokalt register med postnummer, GPS-kompatible, via ferrata, skiløype, langrennsrute, stavgangsti.
Region: Tannheimdalen, Tannheimerfjellene, Lechtal, Tyrolean Lech Nature Park, Außerfern, Tyrol, Bayern, Tyskland
Spesielle turstier:
Europeisk langdistanse tursti nr. 4, Via Alpina, Lechweg, bayerske kongeslott
Spesielle sykkel- og terrengsykkelturer:
Via Claudia Augusta, Bike Trail Tyrol, Lech sykkelsti (Lechtalradweg), Almtour, Vilser Alm
Publisert: 2024
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:35000
Fischbacher Alpen
Ordinær pris 199,00 krFreytag & Berndt hiking maps are the perfect companion for hiking, mountaineering and ski touring, thanks to detailed digital cartography and precise yardsticks. They are regularly revised and contain updated information on hiking trails, cycling and mountain biking trails, huts, natural monuments, cultural attractions and leisure facilities.
The enclosed information booklet contains a selection of the best hiking trails, cycle paths and mountain bike trails as well as a short description of the individual municipalities with their leisure time activities. (Language: German)
Leisure information, hiking and long-distance hiking trails, mountain biking and cycling tours, local register with zip codes, GPS-capable, via ferrata, ski route, cross-country route, Nordic walking trail;
040 Bad Gastein
Ordinær pris 209,00 krKompass sine vandrekart er av de aller beste til sitt bruk, de er lettleste, detaljerte og oppdaterte! De spesialiserer seg på sentral-europa (de tysktalende landene samt italia og spania), hvor de er de mest solgte vandrekartene i vår butikk. De har selvfølgelig gps-koordinater, samt en liten guide følger hvert kart men vær oppmerksom på at denne er på tysk!
Publisert år: 2022
Innbinding: falset
Material: plast laminert
Målestokk: 1:35000
2801 Julische Alpen, Steiner Alpen
Ordinær pris 199,00 kr291 Salzburg
Ordinær pris 249,00 kr730 Austria
Ordinær pris 149,00 krMichelin er en av verdens beste, og best kjente, kartserier. Kartene har glimrende kartografi. Rød serie, kalt “National” dekker et enkelt land eller en gruppe land primært med hovedferdselsårer.
9 Kaisergebirge
Ordinær pris 199,00 krKompass sine vandrekart er av de aller beste til sitt bruk, de er lettleste, detaljerte og oppdaterte! De spesialiserer seg på Sentral-Europa (de tysktalende landene samt Italia og Spania), hvor de er de mest solgte vandrekartene i vår butikk. De har selvfølgelig GPS-koordinater, samt en liten guide følger hvert kart, men vær oppmerksom på at denne er på tysk!
Alpine Countries
Ordinær pris 199,00 krDette store østerrikske kartforlaget er kjent for sin klare kartografi og gode papirkvalitet. De kommer i alle målestokker, og flere av landkartene inneholder bykart og turistinformasjon.
Ordinær pris 199,00 krDette store østerriske kartforlaget er kjent for sin klare kartografi og gode papirkvalitet. De kommer i alle målestokker, og flere av landkartene inneholder bykart og turistinformasjon.
Austria: Rail & Road
Ordinær pris 199,00 krAustria is both an ancient country and a modern country. It was a powerful empire prior to the French Revolution (Marie Antoinette was an Austrian princess prior to her marriage to the king of France), and WW1 was strongly influenced by the Austro-Hungarian empire. The aftermath of that war resulted in Austria becoming much diminished in power, but despite WW2, its borders remain much as they were in 1918. That said, today's Austria is a lovely and safe place to visit. 75 years of peaceful neutrality has restored the country to prosperity and the country is loaded with picturesque villages, lovely mountain scenes, historic castles and palaces, wonderful churches, and museums galore.
This map emphasises the rail network that is the best way to travel around the country, but also shows motorways and ordinary highways, parks, scenic attractions, and connections to surrounding countries.
Austria: Vienna
Ordinær pris 199,00 krStreet plan of the whole of the administrative area of the city, showing the entire public transport system, but no one-way streets. A separate index, attached to the map cover, includes list of useful addresses, as well as an enlargement of the city centre, a map of the through roads across the city and a diagram of the public transport network. Map legend includes English.
Austria: Vienna & Eastern Austria
Ordinær pris 179,00 krITMB is pleased to introduce an exciting new map of the wonderful city of Vienna, combined with a newly-prepared map of eastern Austria. Until WW2, Vienna was one of the most diverse and cultural cities in Europe. The NAZI takeover changed all of that and its brutal capture by the Russians five years later sent the city into a devastating downturn. Fortunately, the Soviet Union was forced to withdraw and Austria declared to be a demilitarized neutral country for the rest of the Cold War. Vienna is now a lovely historic city on the Danube River, the capital of Austria, and the European United Nations centre. The Innerstadt (Inner or old city centre) is the location of many of the hotels gracing Vienna, as well as St, Stephen’s Cathedral with its wonderful roof. One of the great attractions of the city is the Schonbrunn, the 18th Century palace of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
The map extends from the western ring road to the UN complex east of the Danube, and from the northern edge of the urban area to south of the Hauptbahnhof (or main railway station). All Metro and tram lines are clearly shown, along with parks, churches, shopping areas, hotels, and the city’s three rail stations. The second side of the sheet is a very detailed map of the eastern half of Austria from the /Czech border on the north, the Hungarian border to the east, to the Slovenian border to the south, and west to Linz and Klagenfurt. Rail lines are prominently noted, as are motorways and all highways. Once one leaves Vienna, a vista of rural mountainous countryside unfolds, with dozens of ancient castles to explore, and interesting small towns to explore. Burg Hochosterwitz is one of Europe’s most ancient castles, dating from 860AD.
Europe Central
Ordinær pris 199,00 krEurope is fairly big, and densely populated. A map of all of Europe is useful, but at a scale that limits our ability to show information. As a result, last year we published a map of Western Europe. Now, we are pleased to extend our more detailed coverage of the continent with a map covering the Central European countries of Germany, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Switzerland, with portions of France, Belarus, Serbia, and Romania. A third map, covering eastern European countries, will be released soon, providing detailed regional coverage of the continent in a way that we hope is pleasing. Germany occupies most of the first side, and Poland the other, with Czech and Slovakia divided between the two sides, and Slovakia/Hungary filling the rest of side 2.
This is a regional map, showing rail lines as well and roads, airports, and major touristic attractions. A listing of the region’s top attractions is included. This map will appeal to those visiting several countries on one trip, by rail or road. Legend Includes: Roads by classification, Rivers and Lakes, National Park, Airports, Points of Interests, Highways, Main Roads, Zoos, Fishing, and much more...
Europe: Southeast & Balkans
Ordinær pris 199,00 krThe Balkans and South-Eastern Europe on a road map from Freytag and Berndt, covering a large chunk of the Continent from southern Poland and Kiev to the Mediterranean, and from Naples to Ankara. The map shows the area’s road network, indicating diving distances on principal routes and main border crossings. Railways and ferry routes are marked. In most countries internal administrative boundaries are also shown.
In Greece, Bulgaria and Ukraine (but not Serbia) names of main cities are shown both in Latin alphabet and in Greek or Cyrillic. The map has a latitude and longitude grid at intervals of 1º. Multilingual map legend includes English.
A booklet attached to the map cover contains an index, arranged by country, plus street plan of central Athens, Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Bucharest, Chisinau, Istanbul, Kiev, Ljubljana, Podgorica, Prague, Pristina, Sarajevo, Skopje, Tirana, Vienna and Zagreb.
Italy: Southern Tyrol (Bolzano)
Ordinær pris 199,00 krItalian region of South Tyrol, with coverage extending across the Austrian border to Innsbruck, at a detailed scale of 1:150,000 on a map in Freytag & Berndt’s very popular “Top 10 Tips” series. A booklet attached to the map cover provides descriptions of the region’s 10 best sights, street plans of Bolzano, Merano and in Austria Lienz, plus the map index. Many place names are in large print to make navigating easier. Coverage includes the Dolomites.
Liechtenstein & Western Austria
Ordinær pris 179,00 krEurope is dotted with mini-states that exist solely for historic reasons but are fiercely independent. Liechtenstein, surrounded by Switzerland on its west and south and Austria on its other borders, is such a state. It is larger and more diverse than many imagine and is quite a popular ski resort region. Side 1 is a detailed map of the principality, framed on the west by the Rhine River and a bit of Switzerland and on the east by Austria. Most development occurs in the Rhine Valley in a north-south direction, dominated by the capital city of Vaduz. There are five access points from Switzerland across the Rhine, one from the south, and two from Austria in the north. The ski haven of Malbun is prominently shown, and the scale of the map is detailed enough to name every major street. This also enabled us the opportunity to include schools, shopping areas, post offices, and churches, as well as a wide range of eating establishments. Walking/hiking trails have also been included.
This is the only map of Liechtenstein ever produced by a cartographic firm, and joins Andorra, Luxembourg, and Monaco as a valued part of ITMB's coverage of Europe. Side 2 concentrates on eastern Austria and southern Germany from Lake Boden (Bodensee) to Linz and from the Italian border north to Passau, in Germany. It is both a road/rail map and a physical relief map of this portion of the Alps. It includes its own Top Attractions list. Border crossings are shown merely as a formality, except for Switzerland. This would be an excellent map to use to explore the mountains south of Innsbruck or to discover small villages in the Tirol.
Lower Austria
Ordinær pris 199,00 krUpper Austria
Ordinær pris 199,00 krVienna
Ordinær pris 119,00 krLonely Planet City Map er slitesterkt og vanntett, med en hendig slipcase og et format som er lett å brette. Få mer ut av kartet og reisen din med bilder og informasjon om byattraksjoner, transportkart, reiseruteforslag, omfattende gate- og nettstedsindeks og praktiske reisetips. Med dette brukervennlige navigasjonsverktøyet i baklommen kan du virkelig komme til hjertet av din destinasjon!