69 produkter
69 produkter
69 produkter
140 Zoom - Corfu - Ionian islands
Ordinær pris 149,00 krMICHELIN Zoom Map Corfu will give you an overall picture of your journey thanks to its clear and accurate mapping scale 1/80,000. Our map will help you easily plan your safe and enjoyable journey thanks to a comprehensive key, a complete name index as well a clever time & distance chart. Michelin's driving information will help you navigate safely in all circumstances.
With MICHELIN National Maps, find more than just your way!Corfu, the northernmost of the Ionian Islands in Greece. Located off of the far northwest coast of the Greece, Corfu is in the Ionian sea, east of Italy and southwest of Albania. MICHELIN NATIONAL MAPS feature:* Up-to-date mapping* A scale adapted to the size of the country* A clear and comprehensive key* Distance and time chart* Place name index* Driving and road safety information* Tourist sights informationOur maps are regularly updated even if the ISBN does not change.
Publisert år: 2021
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:80000
304 Sifnos
Ordinær pris 169,00 kr319 Skiathos
Ordinær pris 189,00 krIt comes in the detailed scale of 1:20,000, showing everything very clearly. It is printed on Polyart plastic “paper”, making it totally waterproof and rip-proof. You can fold it and unfold it a hundred times, fold it in irregular ways, dunk it in the sea or leave it out in the rain. This map is indestructible! The island’s entire coastline is mapped for the first time with TERRAIN’s specially equipped cartographic vessel. This means that you can locate all beaches of the island, down to the tiniest cove! . The best mountain-bike routes are shown on a map for the first time, inviting you to discover an unknown face of Skiathos. Hotel sites are indicated, so you can easily locate them. Moreover, the reverse side features an illustrated mini travel guide, with information on the island’s myths and history, geography and natural environment, sights and major attractions.
337 Kalymnos
Ordinær pris 179,00 krBeste kart for klatring
342 Rhodos
Ordinær pris 189,00 kr448 Western Crete
Ordinær pris 189,00 kr737 Greece
Ordinær pris 149,00 krMichelin er en av verdens beste, og best kjente, kartserier. Kartene har glimrende kartografi. Rød serie, kalt “National” dekker et enkelt land eller en gruppe land primært med hovedferdselsårer.
759 Crete
Ordinær pris 149,00 krMichelin er en av verdens beste, og best kjente, kartserier. Kartene har glimrende kartografi. Rød serie, kalt “national” dekker et enkelt land eller en gruppe land primært med hovedferdselsårer.
Ordinær pris 199,00 krVanntett og holdbart turkart over Korfu.
Europe: Southeast & Balkans
Ordinær pris 199,00 krThe Balkans and South-Eastern Europe on a road map from Freytag and Berndt, covering a large chunk of the Continent from southern Poland and Kiev to the Mediterranean, and from Naples to Ankara. The map shows the area’s road network, indicating diving distances on principal routes and main border crossings. Railways and ferry routes are marked. In most countries internal administrative boundaries are also shown.
In Greece, Bulgaria and Ukraine (but not Serbia) names of main cities are shown both in Latin alphabet and in Greek or Cyrillic. The map has a latitude and longitude grid at intervals of 1º. Multilingual map legend includes English.
A booklet attached to the map cover contains an index, arranged by country, plus street plan of central Athens, Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Bucharest, Chisinau, Istanbul, Kiev, Ljubljana, Podgorica, Prague, Pristina, Sarajevo, Skopje, Tirana, Vienna and Zagreb.
Ordinær pris 199,00 krDette store østerriske kartforlaget er kjent for sin klare kartografi og gode papirkvalitet. De kommer i alle målestokker, og flere av landkartene inneholder bykart og turistinformasjon.
Double-sided road map of Greece at 1:500,000 from Freytag & Berndt with a separate index booklet which also includes a 16-page English language cultural guide with tourist information and brief descriptions of numerous archaeological, historical and other sites.
Bold relief shading with names of mountain ranges and main peaks shows the country’s topography. All place names are given in both Greek and Latin alphabets. Road network includes small local roads but without distinguishing between surfaced and gravel roads. Toll roads and motorway services are shown, with diving distances marked on many secondary routes. The map also shows railway network and ferry routes.
National parks and protected areas are highlighted and symbols show various places of interest including archaeological and historical sites, marinas, campsites, etc. Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at intervals of 30’. Multilingual map legend includes English.
A separate 66-page booklet attached to the map cover includes an index (with postcodes) and multilingual cultural guide to the country’s history and its heritage. Modern Greek names are used for the archaeological sites, e.g. Mikines for Mycenae, etc.)
Ordinær pris 229,00 krMarco Polo Greece and the Islands Map: the ideal map for your tripLet the Marco Polo Greece and the Islands Road Map guide you around this charming country. Discover the ancient sites, the glorious beaches and traditional towns with this highly durable, detailed, touring map of Greece and the Islands. It folds away easily and is always on standby to help when you're stuck.
Ordinær pris 199,00 krReise Know-How maps (world mapping project series) are easy-to-read, waterproof and highly durable travel maps specifically designed for everyday use on the road.
Ordinær pris 199,00 krGreece is one of the most important touristic destinations in the world. We have travelled the country extensively and have undertaken a serious upgrading of information for this edition. As a country, Greece divides naturally into three portions - the area around Athens and the Peloponnese, the far north region centred on Thessalonica, and the marvellous islands scattered around the southern portion of Greece.
This is an overall map, showing the latest road information and noting historic and cultural sites of interest to visitors, including world heritage sites. An inset map of Athens is included, but ITMB's map of the city would be useful for those exploring Athens in detail. We also published an expanded map of the Peloponnese, and another of Crete and Mykonos.
Greece: Athens & Peloponnese
Ordinær pris 199,00 krAthens is one of the most ancient and historic cities in the world. The Acropolis is the mountain upon which rests the Temple Athena, often called the Parthenon as it dominates the terrain. There are two other ancient temples on the Acropolis as well. Close by is the Agora, the ancient city market centre, and at the foot of the Acropolis are two open-air theatres that date back to ancient times. Athens is also a modern city with congested roads, vibrant stores, and an excellent underground transit system. Included with Side 1 is a map of Piraeus, the nearby port city, with its many terminals for ferries leading to the various Greek islands. It is also one of the most active cruise ship terminals in the world, operating from Terminals A through C. A regional transit map is also included.
Side 2 concentrates on the peninsula (technically an island) west of Athens called the Peloponnese that is the home to Olympus, Sparta, and other former city states of legendary fame, and many of the Greek islands that are relatively close to Athens - Many of The Cyclades for example. By the shape of Greece, Delphi and much of Epirus is included. Altogether, this provides one map covering city and its hinterland for the benefit of the end user.
Greece: Chalkidiki; Thasos & Thessaloniki
Ordinær pris 189,00 krDette store østerriske kartforlaget er kjent for sin klare kartografi og gode papirkvalitet. De kommer i alle målestokker, og flere av landkartene inneholder bykart og turistinformasjon.
The Chalkidiki (Halkidiki) Peninsula and Thasos in northern Greece on a large, indexed road map at 1:150,000 from Freytag & Berndt, with coverage extending south to include Katerini and Mount Olympus (Olympos), a street plan of central Thessaloniki and a booklet with brief descriptions of the region’s 10 best sights.
All place names are given in both Latin and Greek alphabet.
Topography is shown by relief shading, with spot heights and colouring for the forested areas. Road network emphasizes main roads, but also shows small local roads, many with driving distances. Scenic routes are highlighted. Railway lines and ferry routes are included and domestic airports are marked. Symbols indicate various places of interest, including numerous monasteries on the Mount Athos peninsula, and the region’s 10 best sights are prominently highlighted and given brief descriptions in the multilingual booklet attached to the map cover. The map has latitude and longitude lines at intervals of 10’. The index is in the booklet. Map legend and the descriptions include English.
Also provided is a street plan of central Thessaloniki. Larger streets are in both scripts; smaller streets and names of important buildings are in the Latin alphabet only.
Publisert år: 2022
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:150000
Greece: Corfu
Ordinær pris 169,00 krTysk kartserie med flotte kart på slitesterkt plastpapir.
Reise Know-How maps (world mapping project series) are easy-to-read, waterproof and highly durable travel maps specifically designed for everyday use on the road.
The maps combine state-of-the-art, GPS-compatible cartography (including hypsometric tints and contour lines) with a detailed rendering of road networks and touristic information. They offer the best possible scale, level of detail and readability, be it a map of a small island or half a continent.
The maps feature a detachable paper sleeve so that the maps can be folded easily and fit in every pocket. Although printed on plastic, a special coating makes sure the maps retain a paper-like feel and can even be written on with a pencil.
Greece: Crete (Kreta)
Ordinær pris 199,00 krCrete at 1:140,000 on a clear, indexed map with topographic and tourist information, printed on light, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper. The map, published by Reise Know-How as part of their highly acclaimed World Mapping Project, divides the island east/west with an overlap between the sides. Topography is shown by altitude colouring with contours and numerous spot heights, plus names of various geographical features. Road network shows local roads and tracks, gives driving distances on main and secondary roads. Ferry routes are also marked.
The map highlights various places of interest including churches and monasteries, archaeological sites, beaches, view points, etc. Names of towns and villages are given in both Greek and Latin alphabets; geographical features and places of interest are in the Latin alphabet only. The map is indexed and has latitude and longitude grid at intervals of 10’. Map legend includes English.
Greece: Crete; Mykonos & Santorini
Ordinær pris 169,00 krThe many islands off the coast of Greece can only be mapped properly a few at a time. Side 1 of this map shows the large island of Crete in good detail, with the relatively nearby island of Mykonos and its adjacent island of Rinia and the island of Santorini, with its adjacent islands of Thirasia and Nea Kameni being shown in great detail. A locality map showing the islands in relation to the rest of Greece is included as an inset. It is our intention to map more islands as time passes, but this depends upon future research trips (we lead a hard life!).
Side 2 of the map is a general map of Greece in relation to its neighbours to the north and east. The Mediterranean is divided into smaller seas, such as the Adriatic along the coast of Croatia, the Ionian to the west of Greece, the Myrtoan to its south and the Aegean to its east. All this area is replete with islands and geopolitical conflicts. As such, this map is useful for showing the region as an entity that links the Balkan states to the eastern Mediterranean.
Greece: Kefalonia
Ordinær pris 199,00 krGreece: Lesbos (lesvos)
Ordinær pris 189,00 krDette store østerriske kartforlaget er kjent for sin klare kartografi og gode papirkvalitet. De kommer i alle målestokker, og flere av landkartene inneholder bykart og turistinformasjon.
Lesbos at 1:50,000 on an indexed, GPS compatible map from Freytag & Berndt with brief descriptions of places of interest highlighted on the map, plus a street plan of Mitilini. The map is double-sided, dividing the island east/west, with a very generous overlap between the sides.
Topography of the island is shown by bold relief shading, enhanced by contours at 40m intervals. All place names are given in both Greek and Latin alphabet. Road network includes small local roads and selected cart tracks, showing driving distances on main and secondary routes. Ferry connections are marked.
The island’s best sights are prominently highlighted and provided with brief multilingual descriptions in a booklet attached to the map cover. Various other places of interest are marked and named on the map, including numerous beaches and churches/monasteries.
The map has a UTM grid, plus latitude and longitude margin ticks. The index, placed in the booklet, provides GPS waypoints for all the locations listed in it. Multilingual map legend includes English.
Publisert år: 2018
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:50000
Greece: Samos
Ordinær pris 199,00 krSamos at 1;35,000 on an easy to read map from Freytag & Berndt with place names printed in larger size than found on other maps of the island. The map also covers Patmos and proves a basic street plan of Samos Town.
The map has relief shading and contours to show the islands topography. Road network includes selected local tracks and gives distances on main routes. Large icons highlight various places of interest. All place names are given in both Greek and Latin alphabet. The map has no geographical coordinates and is not indexed. Map legend includes English.
Also provided is plan of Samos Town, naming main streets and showing various sights.