21 produkter

Norwegian Wood
Ordinær pris 199,00 krRead the haunting love story that turned Murakami into a literary superstar. When he hears her favourite Beatles song, Toru Watanabe recalls his first love Naoko, the girlfriend of his best friend Kizuki. Immediately he is transported back almost twenty years to his student days in Tokyo, adrift in a world of uneasy friendships, casual sex, passion, loss and desire - to a time when an impetuous young woman called Midori marches into his life and he has to choose between the future and the past.
- Forfatter: Haruki Murakami
- Publisert: 2001
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Antall sider: 388
- ISBN: 9780099448822

Hokkaido Highway Blues
Ordinær pris 219,00 krIt had never been done before. Not in 4000 years of Japanese recorded history had anyone followed the Cherry Blossom Front from one end of the country to the other. Nor had anyone hitchhiked the length of Japan.
But, heady on sakura and sake, Will Ferguson bet he could do both. The resulting travelogue is one of the funniest and most illuminating books ever written about Japan. And, as Ferguson learns, it illustrates that to travel is better than to arrive.
- Forfattere: Will Ferguson
- Publisert: 2003
- Antall sider: 352
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781841952888

Huset ved moskeen
Ordinær pris 229,00 krEn ytterst aktuell og innsiktsgivende roman av den iranskfødte forfatteren Kader Abdolah. I åtte hundre år har Aqa Djans familie hatt en sentral posisjon i den iranske byen Senedjan. Den enorme familien bor i huset ved moskeen, et hus med 35 rom, en bikube full av bestemødre, barn, kjøpmenn og halvguder. Og historiene flommer inn og ut av huset. Familieeposet rommer Irans dramatiske historie, historien om den islamske tradisjonen og om det moderne Iran, om fundamentalisme og oppbrudd fra fundamentalismen.
- Forfatter: Kader Abdolah
- Publisert: 2008
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Norsk bokmål
- ISBN: 9788205386594

Ordinær pris 399,00 kr Salgspris 199,50 kr Spar 50%Vinner av Brageprisen 2016 for Sakprosa.
Historien om to ungjenter fra Bærum som reiser til Syria og en desperat far som forsøker å finne dem. En oktoberdag i 2013 kommer ikke de to tenåringsjentene, Ayan og Leila, hjem til vanlig tid. Senere på kvelden kommer sjokkmeldingen: De er på vei til Syria. På jakt etter døtrene tar faren seg inn i det borgerkrigsherjede landet, en reise som skal føre ham inn i områder kontrollert av Den islamske staten (IS). Dette er bare starten. I "To søstre" går Åsne Seierstad, den bestselgende og kritikerroste forfatteren av "Bokhandleren i Kabul" og "En av oss", løs på et av de viktigste og mest kompliserte spørsmål i vår tid. Hvorfor radikaliseres muslimsk ungdom oppvokst i Vesten? Hva førte de to søstrene fra Kolsås til Kalifatet? Hvem er Ayan og Leila? Som få andre makter Åsne Seierstad å komme tett på personene hun skriver om. "To søstre" er både historien om jentene som dro, et land i krig og om en familie som splintres. Det er også en fortelling om oss, i Norge i dag.
ISBN: 9788248916826
Forfattere: Åsne Seierstad
Publisert år: 2016
Sider nr: 490

Kunsten å høre hjerteslag
Ordinær pris 179,00 krKunsten å høre hjerteslag er en usedvanlig vakker kjærlighetshistorie fra Burma, og første bok i en triologi.
Tin Win er en vellykket advokat i New York. Han er opprinnelig fra Burma, men hans amerikanske familie, kone og to barn, vet nesten ingenting om hans oppvekst og bakgrunn.
En dag like etter datteren Julia fått sin juridiske embetseksamen, forsvinner han uten et ord. Familien tvinges til å akseptere at det siste sporet slutter i Bangkok. Fire år senere finner Julia en førti år gammel kjærlighetsbrev som faren skrev til en ukjent kvinne i en landsby i Burma.
Hos Julia tennes håpet igjen og hun bestemmer seg for å oppsøke kvinnen i brevet. Når Julia ankommer den lille landsbyen i fjellene, ender hun opp i en fremmed verden.
- Forfattere: Jan-Philipp Sendker
- Publisert: 2014
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Norsk bokmål
- ISBN: 9788202424961

The Quiet American
Ordinær pris 199,00 krBestselling author of Lessons. Into the intrigue and violence of 1950s Saigon comes CIA agent Alden Pyle, a young idealistic American sent to promote democracy through a mysterious 'Third Force'. As Pyle's naive optimism starts to cause bloodshed, his friend Fowler, a cynical foreign correspondent, finds it hard to stand aside and watch. But even as Fowler intervenes he wonders why: for the greater good, or something altogether more complicated?
- Forfatter: Graham Greene
- Publisert: 2004
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9780099478393

The Great Railway Bazaar
Ordinær pris 219,00 krThe Great Railway Bazaar is Paul Theroux’s account of his epic journey by rail through Asia. Filled with evocative names of legendary train routes – the Direct-Orient Express, the Khyber Pass Local, the Delhi Mail from Jaipur, the Golden Arrow to Kuala Lumpur, the Hikari Super Express to Kyoto and the Trans-Siberian Express – it describes the many places, cultures, sights and sounds he experienced and the fascinating people he met. Here he overhears snippets of chat and occasional monologues, and is drawn into conversation with fellow passengers, from Molesworth, a British theatrical agent, and Sadik, a shabby Turkish tycoon, while avoiding the forceful approaches of pimps and drug dealers.
This wonderfully entertaining travelogue pays loving tribute to the romantic joys of railways and train travel.
- Forfatter: Paul Theroux
- Publisert: 2008
- Antall sider: 400
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9780141189147

The Amur River - Between Russia & China
Ordinær pris 229,00 krRising in the Mongolian mountains and flowing through Siberia to the Pacific, the Amur River forms the tense border between Russia and China.
This is the most densely fortified frontier on Earth. Harassed by injury and by arrest from the local police, Thubron makes his way along both the Russian and Chinese shores. By the time he reaches the river's desolate end, a whole, pivotal world has come alive.
In his eightieth year, Colin Thubron takes a dramatic and often treacherous journey from the Amur's secret source to its giant mouth, covering almost 3,000 miles.
Winner of the Stanford Dolman Travel Book of the Year Award 2022,
- Forfatter: Colin Thubron
- Publisert: 2022
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Antall sider: 290
ISBN: 9781529110890

Return to Sri Lanka
Ordinær pris 249,00 krA blend of travel writing, memoir, history and current affairs that tells the story of Sri Lanka. A perfect read for first-time visitors, Sri Lankans abroad or at home, or anyone looking to deepen their understanding of one of the world’s most fascinating and paradoxical countries. Razeen Sally was born to a Sri Lankan Muslim father and a Welsh mother.
Just before his teens, a political conflict tore his family apart and he left Sri Lanka, barely going back for thirty years. When he finally returned ‘home’, he spent much of the next decade crisscrossing the island, trying to understand this paradoxical place. Blessed with nature’s bounty and an easy, pleasure-loving people, it was nevertheless scarred by ethnic conflict and the violence of civil war.
As a native and a tourist, Sally makes an ideal guide to Sri Lanka’s past and present. He won’t tell you which restaurant has the best reviews or the price of a hotel room. Instead, he will accompany you like a learned friend, sharing his journeys, pointing out the unmissable gems beyond the obvious spots, and unpacking the nation’s culture and history.
Insightful, intimate and moving, Return to Sri Lanka is an indispensable book, whether you're already familiar with this spectacular country, or planning your first visit.
- Publisert: Januar 2025
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- Antall sider: 431
- ISBN: 9781398544291

Gobi 2 - Djengis Khan
Ordinær pris 199,00 krUnder den legendariske Djengis Khan skapte mongolene det største imperium verden noen gang har sett. Et rike som strakte seg fra Stillehavet og langt inn i Europa.
Dette er beretningen om Djengis Khans vei til makten. For dem som fulgte ham, var han en bogdo – En Himmelens utvalgte. For alle andre var han Pesten, Døden og Djevelen selv.
Men samtidig er det også beretningen om Wolfgang fra Godesberg – den underlige gjøgleren som vi første gang møtte i Barndommens måne. Enda en gang betror han seg til tusj og silke. Han vil forsøke å beskrive Djengis Khan. Ikke som et monster. Men som et menneske.
- Forfatter: Tor Åge Bringsværd
- Publisert: 2018
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Norsk Bokmål
- Antall sider: 363
- ISBN: 9788202561239

Gobi 3 - Djevelens skinn og ben
Ordinær pris 199,00 krDjevelens skinn og ben er tredje bok i Tor Åge Bringsværds mektige epos fra middelalderen. Munken Eusebius er falt i unåde hos sin unge venn, den mektige Chu, rådgiver hos mongolenes khan. For å redde livet må han fortelle en historie på et unikt og mesterlig vis. Mens karavanen beveger seg gjennom Gobiørkenen mot Karakorum, fortelles en bestialitetens historie av et menneske på desperat flukt fra sine onde gjerninger og et uhyggelig Europa. Det er de store mennekselig sprøsmål forfatteren tumler med: meningen med livet, kjærlighetens mysterium, ondskapens problem.
- Forfatter: Tor Åge Bringsværd
- Publisert: 2018
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Norsk bokmål
- Antall sider: 375
- ISBN: 9788202561246

Gobi 5 - Baghdad
Ordinær pris 199,00 kr«Baghdad» avslutter beretningen om Wolfgang fra Godesberg. I denne romanen opptrer han som Den stumme, som omgir seg med en liten gruppe gatebarn. Året er 1258 og Baghdad er omringet av mongolene. Fortelleren er denne gangen Rodrigo som etter hvert knytt er seg til den stumme tiggeren og barneflokken som omgir ham. Mens byens innbyggere venter på mongolenes angrep, forteller Rodrigo om sitt liv.
- Forfatter: Tor Åge Bringsværd
- Publisert: 2018
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Norsk bokmål
- Antall sider: 191
- ISBN: 9788202561260

First They Killed My Father
Ordinær pris 149,00 kr Salgspris 99,00 kr Spar 34%Until the age of five, Loung Ung lived in Phnom Penh, one of seven children of a high-ranking government official. She was a precocious child who loved the open city markets, fried crickets, chicken fights and being cheeky to her parents. When Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge army stormed into Phnom Penh in April 1975, Loung's family fled their home and were eventually forced to disperse to survive. Loung was trained as a child soldier while her brothers and sisters were sent to labour camps. The surviving siblings were only finally reunited after the Vietnamese penetrated Cambodia and started to destroy the Khmer Rouge. Bolstered by the bravery of one brother, the vision of the others and the gentle kindness of her sister, Loung forged on to create for herself a courageous new life.
First They Killed My Father is an unforgettable book told through the voice of the young and fearless Loung. It is a shocking and tragic tale of a girl who was determined to survive despite the odds.
- Forfatter: Loung Ung
- Publisert: 2007
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781840185195

The Madman of Freedom Square
Ordinær pris 129,00 kr Salgspris 99,00 kr Spar 23%From the Iran-Iraq War through the Occupation, this collection of fictional short stories presents an uncompromising view of the relationship between the West and Iraq, as well as a haunting critique of the postwar refugee experience. Blending allegory with historical realism and subverting expectations in an unflinching comedy of the macabre, these tales manage to be both phantasmagoric and shockingly real. For all the despair and darkness portrayed in these gripping stories, from spotlighting hostage-video makers in Baghdad to following human trafficking in Serbia's forests, what lingers more than the haunting images of war is the spirit of defiance and of indefatigable courage.
- Forfatter: Hassan Blasim
- Publisert: September 2009
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781905583256

Serve the People
Ordinær pris 119,00 kr Salgspris 89,00 kr Spar 25%A sexually charged satire of the Cultural Revolution and a huge underground hit in China, where it is banned. 'Slanders Mao Zedong, the army, and is overflowing with sex & Do not distribute, pass around, comment on, excerpt from it or report on it.' Chinese Central Propaganda Bureau This political satire by one of China's most distinguished authors has been banned in its native land for its depiction of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) during the Cultural Revolution.
Set in 1967, at the peak of the Mao cult, when 'Serve the People' was one of the great man's most famous slogans, it tells the story of the bored wife of a military commander who artfully seduces a peasant soldier. When the lovers discover that the sacrilegious act of breaking a statue of Mao deliciously increases their desire, they compete to see who can destroy the most sacred icons of their Great Leader - smashing the commander's beloved Mao icons, ripping up the "Little Red Book" or defacing the Great Helmsman's epigrams. Defacing an image of Mao was punishable by death during the Cultural Revolution. Yan Lianke tramples on the most sacred taboos of the army, the revolution, sexuality and political etiquette. As a subversive critique of official corruption, leadership hypocrisy and the insanity of the Cultural Revolution, his book has a huge cult following in China.
- Forfatter: Yan Lianke
- Publisert: 2007
- Antall sider: 144
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781845295042

Q & A (Slumdog Millionaire)
Ordinær pris 129,00 krIs it because: a) he has punched a customer; b) he has drunk too much whisky; c) he has taken money from the till; or d: is he is the biggest quiz-show winner in history?
Rescued from the police cell by a lawyer, Ram reviews television footage of his flawless performance and takes us on an amazing tour of his life – from the day he is salvaged from a dustbin, to his employment with a faded Bollywood star, to meeting a security-crazed Australian colonel, by way of a career as an over-creative tour guide at the Taj Mahal, to falling in love with Nita, a young prostitute. Passed from pillar to post for eighteen years, Ram’s instinct for strategy and survival is infallible.
- Forfatter: Vikas Swarup
- Publisert: 2006
- Antall sider: 382
- ISBN: 9780552772501

Map of the Invisible World
Ordinær pris 149,00 krFrom the author of the internationally acclaimed, Whitbread Award-winning 'The Harmony Silk Factory' comes an enthralling new novel that evokes an exotic yet turbulent and often frightening world. Sixteen-year-old Adam is an orphan three times over. He and his older brother, Johan, were abandoned by their mother as children; he watched as Johan was adopted and taken away by a wealthy couple; and he had to hide when Karl, the Dutch man who raised him, was arrested by soldiers during Sukarno's drive to purge 1960s Indonesia of its colonial past.
Adam sets out on a quest to find Karl, but all he has to guide him are some old photos and letters, which send him to the colourful, dangerous capital, Jakarta. Johan, meanwhile, is living a seemingly carefree, privileged life in Malaysia, but is careening out of control, unable to forget the long-ago betrayal of his helpless, trusting brother. 'Map of the Invisible World' is a masterful novel, and confirms Tash Aw as one of the most exciting young writers at work today.
- Forfatter: Tash Aw
- Publisert: April 2010
- Innbinding: Heftet
- ISBN: 9780007349982