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4945 produkter
Knowledge Encyclopedia: Plants & Fungi
Ordinær pris 299,00 krExplore the wonderful world of plants and fungi, with everything from cacti and carnivorous plants to trees, flowers, and mushrooms. Why are flowers colourful and fruits sweet? How does a carnivorous plant kill its prey? Why do stinging nettles sting? How do trees turn light into food? This ultimate nature book for children will fascinate young readers with its microscopic detail and amazing facts on the plant world. Children aged 9+ will find themselves totally absorbed in the complexities nature, made clear through engaging explanations, intricate illustrations, vivid photographs, and striking 3D images.
The book teaches kids all about plants and fungi by showing how they work with beautiful illustrations. Peer inside a leaf, watch a seed sprout, follow a root underground, and see how a flower becomes a fruit.
- Publisert: Oktober 2023
- Antall sider: 208
- Innbinding: Innbundet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9780241623275
Flight-Free Europe
Ordinær pris 329,00 krEach itinerary is plotted step-by-step on a map with the transport logistics of how to get to the next destination along with details of the duration between each stop. Whether you are looking for a city escape, to explore natural wonders or indulge in delicious eating and drinking experiences, there is expert recommendations for all interests about day trips to take along the way. Inside Flight-Free Europe: 80 no-fly itineraries each of which features suggested ways to get to the start of the route, comprehensive transport connection guidance, vibrant photography, a map and fact box which details the trips carbon count, suggested duration and transport budget. Recommended forms of transport include train, bus, ferry, bicycle and electric/hybrid car- Activity themes for each trip are indicated by icons and encompass food and drink; wellness and relaxation; sights and history; adventure; arts and culture; and nature- Covers Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Morocco, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkiye, Wales. If youre motivated to travel more sustainably while still enjoying the best experiences that Europe has to offer, this book will show you how to discover Europes edges and everywhere in between via more climate-friendly forms of travel.
Publisert: Des. 2023
Sider nr: 312
The Travel Hack Handbook
Ordinær pris 219,00 krThis practical and inspiring guide, the latest in our popular 'Handbook' series, provides travellers with tips and tricks to make their money go further. As the cost of living and travel increases, Lonely Planet's experts reveal the best ways to bag a bargain, whether it´s booking transport, a hotel or finding experiences that won´t break the bank.
- Publisert: 2023
- Innbinding: heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- Antall sider: 159
- ISBN: 9781837580613
European Rail Timetable Autumn 2024
Ordinær pris 399,00 kr- Publisert: September 2024
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Antall sider: 610
- ISBN: 9781739478629
FAST TALK: Finnish Phrasebook
Ordinær pris 99,00 krAlthough you can get by in Finland without speaking the language, knowing just a few essential phrases can help you make friends, enjoy service with a smile, and discover richer, more rewarding travel experiences. Fast Talk Finnish is the concise language guide that is guaranteed to get you talking with confidence. Ask where to find the best cocktail in Helsinki, order a delicious plate of gravlax, or go looking for quirky souvenirs and haggle for a bargain.
- Publisert: Juli 2023
- Utgave: 2. utgave
- Antall sider: 96
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk-Finsk
- ISBN: 9781788681001
Huset ved moskeen
Ordinær pris 229,00 krEn ytterst aktuell og innsiktsgivende roman av den iranskfødte forfatteren Kader Abdolah. I åtte hundre år har Aqa Djans familie hatt en sentral posisjon i den iranske byen Senedjan. Den enorme familien bor i huset ved moskeen, et hus med 35 rom, en bikube full av bestemødre, barn, kjøpmenn og halvguder. Og historiene flommer inn og ut av huset. Familieeposet rommer Irans dramatiske historie, historien om den islamske tradisjonen og om det moderne Iran, om fundamentalisme og oppbrudd fra fundamentalismen.
- Forfatter: Kader Abdolah
- Publisert: 2008
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Norsk bokmål
- ISBN: 9788205386594
Hundre års ensomhet
Ordinær pris 229,00 krHundre års ensomhet er historien om sju generasjoner Buendía, om drømmer, utfordringer og ulykker i den lille colombianske byen Macondo. I Macondo har alt et annet innhold og en annen rytme enn i resten av verden. Så vel landsbyen som familien gjennomlever nybyggertid, borgerkriger, økonomisk vekst, industrialisering, ulykker og naturkatastrofer, forfall og glemsel. Det er en fantastisk verden, overdådig og makaber, skildret med grotesk humor og svart desperasjon. Hundre års ensomhet står som et av de mest betydelige verkene innen den latinamerikanske magiske realismen, og er blitt oversatt til mer enn 30 språk.
- Forfatter: Gabriel García Márquez
- Publisert: 2021
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Norsk bokmål
- ISBN: 9788205530768
April in Spain
Ordinær pris 199,00 krThe sun-kissed follow up to the bestselling Snow, shortlisted for the CWA Historical Dagger 'Superb.' The Times 'Utterly absorbing.' Daily Mail 'A joy to read.' Sunday Times' The ultimate page-turner.' Irish Independent.
On the idyllic coast of San Sebastian, Dublin pathologist Quirke is struggling to relax. And when he glimpses a familiar face in the twilight at the bar Las Arcadas, a woman who was meant to have died in a political scandal back in Ireland years earlier, any chance of a peaceful holiday is lost. After a call home, Detective St John Strafford is dispatched to Spain, but he's not the only one on route: as a terrifying hitman hunts down his prey, they are all set for a brutal showdown.
- Forfatter: John Banville
- Publisert: Juli 2022
- Antall sider: 358
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9780571363605
Ordinær pris 189,00 kr «Dette er etter alle målestokker storartet lesning.»
Sigmund Jensen, Stavanger Aftenblad
Ni personers veier krysses i den ukrainske storbyen Kharkiv. Felles for dem alle er at de er vokst opp etter jernteppets fall og har mistet stadig flere illusjoner om det kaotiske postkommunistiske hjemlandet. Allikevel nærer de fremdeles små håp om å skape seg et anstendig liv. Bob følger drømmen om å prøve seg i USA, men får det ikke til. Foma lengter etter en kjæreste, men forsøket på å bli sammen med en eks-prostituert skaper flere problemer enn fornøyelser. De er alle mennesker som tilfeldigvis befinner seg på feil sted til feil tid.
Mesopotamia – «landet mellom flodene» – er i denne boken området mellom Dnipr og Donets, med Ukrainas nest største by Kharkiv som sentrum. Boken er Serhij Zjadans hyllest til denne byen. Han beskriver blokker og bolighus, trange leiligheter og hemmelige kjellere og skildrer hvordan hovedpersonene snor seg fram gjennom portrom og bakveier. Gjennom ni sammenvevde historier skildres Zjadans Kharkiv, både det vakre og det nedslitte, det vemodige og det humoristiske.
«Mesopotamia er eit oppkomme av historier frå botnen av samfunnet, framført med innleving, driv og trøkk i eit overlys av skjør poesi, og skriver av ein av Ukrainas fremste forfattarar, kjent langt utanfor landegrensene.»
Oddmund Hagen, Dag og Tid
«Oversetter Dagfinn Foldøy har gjort en god jobb med å bevare rytmen og energien fra originalmanuset. Selv om flere av fortellingene foregår i bryllup, bursdager og begravelser, innenfor kollektivet og fellesskapet, dreier dette seg først og fremst om ensomme enkeltmennesker som
leter etter en mening med livet og mer eller mindre mot alle odds forsøker å stable et noenlunde verdig og anstendig liv på beina.»
Sigmund Jensen, Stavanger Aftenblad
«Med Mesopotamia har Zjadan skrevet sin til nå mest poetiske roman. Så poetisk at leseren knapt merker at romanen til slutt blir til dikt, til en lyrisk kommentar til teksten selv.»
Bayerischer Rundfunk
«Så kraftig, full av rytme og oppsamlet energi, så gnistrende … og likevel full av uvanlig sart poesi.»
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Europe Phrasebook & Dictionary
Ordinær pris 99,00 krFrasebøkene fra Lonely Planet har inneholder vanlige setninger på fremmedspråket, delt inn I kapitler etter aktiviteter. I tillegg har bøkene en liten ordbokdel og lett innføring I grammatikk.
Denne boka over europeiske språk tar for seg Bulgarsk, Kroatisk, Tsjekkisk, Fransk, Tysk, Gresk, Ungarsk, Italiensk, Polsk, Portugisisk, Romansk, Russisk, Spansk, Svensk og Tyrkisk.
- Publisert: Oktober 2019
- Utgave: 6. utgave
- Antall sider: 576
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781786576316
China Phrasebook & Dictionary
Ordinær pris 99,00 krLonely Planet China Phrasebook & Dictionary is your passport to the most relevant phrases and vocab for all your travel needs. Get more from your multi-country trip with easy-to-find phrases for Mandarin, Cantonese, Chaozhou, Dongbei Hua, Hakka, Hunanese, Shanghainese, Sichuanese, Xi'an, Yunnan Hua, Zhuang, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uighur. With language tools in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of wherever you go, so begin your journey now! Coverage Includes: Mandarin, Cantonese, Chaozhou, Dongbei Hua, Hakka, Hunanese, Shanghainese, Sichuanese, Xi'an, Yunnan Hua, Zhuang, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uighur.
Organized by language, this one-stop resource makes travelling through multiple countries simple. With each language you can: Order with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods Save time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertips Never get stuck for words with the 350-word two-way, quick-reference dictionaries Be prepared for common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminology Meet friends with conversation starter phrases Get your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guides Inside Lonely Planet China Phrasebook & Dictionary : Full-color throughout User-friendly layout organized by travel scenario categories Survival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance on-the-fly cues Language map for quick reference Covers Basics - time, dates, numbers, pronunciations, common language difficulties Practical - sightseeing, banking, post office, internet, phones, bargaining, accommodations, directions, border crossing, transport Social - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, culture Safe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions Food - ordering, at-the-market, at- the-bar, dishes, ingredients The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet China Phrasebook & Dictionary, a pocket-sized, comprehensive multi-language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance. Great for language students and travellers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture.
Forfattere: G.Ivana ivetac
Publisert måned: Sep
Publisert år: 2015
Utgave: 1utg
Sider nr:384
Quechua Phrasebook & Dictionary
Ordinær pris 99,00 krLonely Planet's Quechua Phrasebook & Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful Quechua phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Ask for hiking directions, learn about local culture and shop at markets with confidence - all with your trusted travel companion. With language tools in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of wherever you go, so begin your journey now! Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation! Order with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoder. Save time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertips. Never get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionary. Be prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminology. Meet friends with conversation starter phrases. Get your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guides Inside Lonely Planet's Quechua Phrasebook & Dictionary: Phrases to Learn Before You Go. Ways to Start a Sentence. Phrases to Sound like a LocalListen For - phrases you may hear. Look For - phrases you may see on signs. Shortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrases. Covers Basics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rulesPractical - travel with kids, disabled travelers, senior travelers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, shopping, bargaining, accommodations, directions, border crossing, transportSocial - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weather. Safe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions. Food - ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredients The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Quechua Phrasebook & Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance.
forfattere: Coronel-molina
Publisert måned: Nov
Publisert år: 2019
Utgave: 5.utg
Sider nr: 227
Tibetan Phrasebook & Dictionary
Ordinær pris 99,00 krLonely Planet Tibet Phrasebook & Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful Tibetan phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Ask for trekking directions and order dishes with confidence - all with your trusted travel companion. With language tools in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of wherever you go, so begin your journey now!
- Publisert: Februar 2020
- Utgave: 6. utgave
- Antall sider: 244
- Innbinding: Heftet
- ISBN: 9781786575845
Greek Phrasebook & Dictionary
Ordinær pris 129,00 krLonely Planet Greek Phrasebook & Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful Greek phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Find the best beaches and order local specialties with ease -all with your trusted travel companion. With language tools in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of wherever you go, so begin your journey now!
Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation! Order with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoder. Save time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertips. Never get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionary. Be prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminology. Meet friends with conversation starter phrases. Get your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guides.
- Publisert: Juni 2023
- Utgave: 8. utgave
- Antall sider: 254
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781788688307