- Albania
- Algerie
- Andorra
- Angola
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Aserbajdsjan
- Australia
- Bangladesh
- Belgia
- Belize
- Benin
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Bosnia-Hercegovina
- Botswana
- Brasil
- Brunei
- Bulgaria
- Burundi
- Canada
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Cuba
- Danmark
- Djibouti
- Dominica
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Elfenbenskysten
- Eritrea
- Estland
- Eswatini
- Etiopia
- Fiji
- Finland
- Frankrike
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Georgia
- Ghana
- Guyana
- Hellas
- Honduras
- Hviterussland
- India
- Indonesia
- Irak
- Iran
- Irland
- Island
- Israel
- Italia
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Jemen
- Jordan
- Kambodsja
- Kamerun
- Kapp Verde
- Kasakhstan
- Kenya
- Kina
- Kirgisistan
- Komorene
- Kongo
- Kosovo
- Kroatia
- Kuwait
- Kypros
- Laos
- Latvia
- Lesotho
- Libanon
- Libya
- Litauen
- Luxembourg
- Madagaskar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldivene
- Mali
- Malta
- Marokko
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Montenegro
- Mosambik
- Namibia
- Nauru
- Nederland
- Nepal
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Nord-Korea
- Norge
- Oman
- Pakistan
- Palestina
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Polen
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russland
- Rwanda
- Samoa
- San Marino
- Senegal
- Serbia
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Solomonøyene
- Somalia
- Spania
- Sri Lanka
- Storbritannia
- Surinam
- Sveits
- Sverige
- Sør-Afrika
- Sør-Korea
- Taiwan
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Togo
- Tonga
- Trinidad og Tobago
- Tsjekkia
- Tunisia
- Turkmenistan
- Tyrkia
- Tyskland
- Uganda
- Ukraina
- Ungarn
- Uruguay
- Usbekistan
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
- Østerrike
- Albania
- Algerie
- Andorra
- Angola
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Aserbajdsjan
- Australia
- Bangladesh
- Belgia
- Belize
- Benin
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Bosnia-Hercegovina
- Botswana
- Brasil
- Brunei
- Bulgaria
- Burundi
- Canada
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Cuba
- Danmark
- Djibouti
- Dominica
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Elfenbenskysten
- Eritrea
- Estland
- Eswatini
- Etiopia
- Fiji
- Finland
- Frankrike
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Georgia
- Ghana
- Guyana
- Hellas
- Honduras
- Hviterussland
- India
- Indonesia
- Irak
- Iran
- Irland
- Island
- Israel
- Italia
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Jemen
- Jordan
- Kambodsja
- Kamerun
- Kapp Verde
- Kasakhstan
- Kenya
- Kina
- Kirgisistan
- Komorene
- Kongo
- Kosovo
- Kroatia
- Kuwait
- Kypros
- Laos
- Latvia
- Lesotho
- Libanon
- Libya
- Litauen
- Luxembourg
- Madagaskar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldivene
- Mali
- Malta
- Marokko
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Montenegro
- Mosambik
- Namibia
- Nauru
- Nederland
- Nepal
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Nord-Korea
- Norge
- Oman
- Pakistan
- Palestina
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Polen
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russland
- Rwanda
- Samoa
- San Marino
- Senegal
- Serbia
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Solomonøyene
- Somalia
- Spania
- Sri Lanka
- Storbritannia
- Surinam
- Sveits
- Sverige
- Sør-Afrika
- Sør-Korea
- Taiwan
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Togo
- Tonga
- Trinidad og Tobago
- Tsjekkia
- Tunisia
- Turkmenistan
- Tyrkia
- Tyskland
- Uganda
- Ukraina
- Ungarn
- Uruguay
- Usbekistan
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
- Østerrike
1910 produkter
Hong Kong
Ordinær pris 99,00 krKart i postkortstørrelse. Folder seg ut som en popoutbok når du åpner dem. Fargerik turistinformasjon med kart over metro og busstraseer, landemerker og lignende. Veldig enkel å håndtere.
Publisert: Des. 2018
Innbinding: pop
Material: papp, papir
HORN OF AFRICA: Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea & Djibouti
Ordinær pris 169,00 krTysk kartserie med flotte kart på slitesterkt plastpapir.
Ethiopia with Eritrea, Somalia and Djibouti at 1:1,800,000 on a light, waterproof and tear-resistant, indexed road map, providing both topographic and tourist information. The map, published by Reise-Know-How as part of their highly acclaimed World Mapping Project, is double-sided, with a generous overlap between the sides, to provide the best balance between a good scale and a convenient size sheet.
Road and rail networks are easy to see on a clear base which presents topography by altitude colouring with contours, spot heights, mountain passes and names of mountain ranges. Salt pans, swamps, seasonal rivers and lakes, oases, caves, hot springs and coral reefs are indicated. Road network includes seasonal local tracks, gives driving distances on main roads, and shows locations of fuel supplies and border crossings. Local airfields are also marked. Internal administrative boundaries are shown with names of the provinces. National parks and protected areas are marked and symbols highlight various places of interest, including UNESCO world heritage sites, archaeological remains, churches and monasteries, mosques, viewpoints, beaches, etc. Campsites, particularly within Ethiopia, and locations of wells and water tanks are indicated. The map has a grid with latitude and longitude at intervals of 1º, and a separate index of localities for each country, plus a list of national parks and reverse. Map legend includes English.
Publisert år: 2020
Innbinding: falset
Material: plastpapir
Målestokk: 1:1800000
Ordinær pris 169,00 krReise Know-How maps (world mapping project series) are easy-to-read, waterproof and highly durable travel maps specifically designed for everyday use on the road.
The maps combine state-of-the-art, GPS-compatible cartography (including hypsometric tints and contour lines) with a detailed rendering of road networks and touristic information. They offer the best possible scale, level of detail and readability, be it a map of a small island or half a continent.
The maps feature a detachable paper sleeve so that the maps can be folded easily and fit in every pocket. Although printed on plastic, a special coating makes sure the maps retain a paper-like feel and can even be written on with a pencil.
- Publisert: 2019
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Plastpapir
- Målestokk: 1:380 000
Hunza Karakorum
Ordinær pris 229,00 krAlpeinvereinskarte er en serie detaljerte vandre- og klatrekart over de østeriske og tyske alper. Høy kvalitet og nøyaktig kartografi gjør disse kartene avgjørende for den erfarene klatrer og fjellturist. Fjellhytter, turstier og campingplasser er tydelig markert på kartene. Noen av kartene er også utgitt i egne skiutgaver.
Hunza - Karakorum covers area north Of Gilstt, includes Batura Peak and Rakaposhi Peak.
Publisert år: 2004
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:100.000
Hærvejen - Historisk vandrerute gjennom Jylland Sykkel
Ordinær pris 279,00 krNå kan du bare gå deg vill med vilje på Hærvejen – nye detaljerte kart i høy kvalitet.
Danmarks mest ikoniske rute: Hærvejens gang- og sykkelrute, har nettopp fått nye fysiske kart. Ruten, som strekker seg over mer enn 650 km for turgåere og over 450 km for syklister, presenteres nå i en oppdatert og friluftsvennlig kvalitet.
En ny standard for utendørs kart.
Det har gått nesten ti år siden de siste kartene ble publisert, men de nye kartene er nå tilgjengelige, trykt på værbestandig steinpapir. Disse kartene, designet av den dyktige kartografen Andreas Hammershøi, er ikke bare funksjonelle, men også estetisk tiltalende. De 15 kommunene langs Hærvejen har samarbeidet tett gjennom våren for å sikre at kartene nøyaktig gjengir traseen og tilhørende anlegg som vannpunkter, toaletter og leskur. Som en nyhet inneholder kartene også informasjon om rutens overflate, som er en viktig detalj for både turgåere og syklister.
Opplev det beste det danske landskapet og naturen har å by på – fra kystskråninger og sanddyner, over kuperte sletter og åpne landskap til elvedaler, åser, heier og åpent jordbruksland. Hærvejen tilbyr en unik mulighet til å nyte variasjonen i det danske landskapet mens du følger en historisk rute.
- Målestokk: 1:75 000
- Antall kart: 2
- Utgitt: 2024
- Språk: Dansk
Iceland & Faroe Islands
Ordinær pris 169,00 krDiscover a dramatic landscape of hot springs, volcanoes, lava fields and geysers with this highly durable, detailed, touring map of Iceland. It folds away easily and is always on standby to help when you're stuck.
- Perfect touring map - the scale is 1 : 650 000 (1cm=6.5km / 1inch=10.3 miles) ideal to help you tour the region by car or campervan.
- Easy to use - the super clear mapping in strong colours and clear text will help you navigate the country like a local.
- New ZOOM system - all large urban areas marked on the main map are cross-referenced to separate transit maps zooming in on the city. Zoom even further with detailed city maps in the index booklet. So if you choose to meander around the country lanes, criss-cross the country by motorway or navigate the streets of Reykjavik this handy, fold-out map has all the information you need.
- Includes 2 city maps - detailed street maps of 2 key cities are also included.
- Iceland highlights - major sights and key points of interest are marked on the map by numbered stars and these are listed in the index booklet with a brief description to help you pick the best places to see en route.
- Extensive index - the thorough index is fully cross-referenced to the map to help you pinpoint your destination quickly.
- Publisert: 2022 - 2026
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:650 000
Ighil Mgoun - High Atlas
Ordinær pris 189,00 kr Salgspris 129,00 kr Spar 32%- Publisert: 2011
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:60 000
Ilulissat - 20000
Ordinær pris 299,00 krPublisert år: 2010
Innbinding: fal
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:20000
Ordinær pris 119,00 krLonely Planet Planning Map er slitesterkt og vanntett, med en hendig slipcase og et format som er enkelt å brette. Få mer ut av kartet og reisen din med bilder og informasjon om toppattraksjoner i landet, reiseruteforslag, en transportguide, planleggingsinformasjon, temalister og praktiske reisetips. Med dette brukervennlige navigasjonsverktøyet i baklommen kan du virkelig komme til hjertet av din destinasjon!
- Publisert: Juli, 2018
- Utgave: 1.utg
- Innbinding: Falset
- Material: Plast papir
India Northwest
Ordinær pris 229,00 krTysk kartserie med flotte kart på slitesterkt plastpapir.
North-western India at 1:1,300,000 on a light, waterproof and tear-resistant, indexed road map from Reise Know-How with topographic and tourist information. The map, part of the publishers’ highly acclaimed World Mapping Project, is double-sided to provide the best balance between a good scale and a convenient size sheet. Coverage on the northern side extends beyond the demarcation border to K2 and includes Islamabad and most of the Pakistani part of Punjab; the southern side extends south to Daman and east to Jabalpur.
Topography is presented by altitude colouring with spot heights and names of mountain ranges, peaks and valleys, plus graphics for swamps, salt pans, etc. Road network includes selected local roads and tracks, indicating driving distances on main routes. Railway lines are included and local airports are marked. National parks and other protected areas are highlighted, and symbols show locations of various UNESCO sites, forts and palaces, temples and other religious buildings, natural curiosities, beaches, etc. The map has a latitude and longitude grid at intervals of 1° and an index of place names. Map legend includes English.
Publisert år: 2024
Innbinding: falset
Material: plastpapir
Målestokk: 1:1300000
Indigenous Peoples Trail
Ordinær pris 249,00 krThe Indigenous People Trail map at 1:75,000 highlighting a trekking circuit in the less visited part of Nepal directly east of Kathmandu. The map is part of the Nepa Maps series which provides extensive coverage of trekking areas of Nepal on detailed contoured maps with trekking routes and hiking trails, huts and camp sites, local places of interest and other tourist information.
The map covers an area directly east of Kathmandu, with Dhulikhel and Khopasi at its western edge and Charikot in the north-eastern corner. Numerous trails are marked, with the main highlighted route crossing the area east of the Sunkashi River. Contours are at 80m intervals, with additional vegetation colouring. Margin ticks show latitude and longitude at intervals of 5'. The map is indexed and includes additional information on various stages of the main trek and other activities in this area.
Titles in this series have cartography is based on the country’s topographic survey, with contours usually at 40m or 50m intervals, enhanced by relief shading, colouring and graphics to show various features of the terrain, including glaciers, forested or cultivated areas, etc. Numerous peaks, with additional spot heights, plus names of glaciers and mountain ranges are prominently shown. The network of rivers, streams and lakes is shown in great detail, with many smaller rivers and lakes named.
Publisert år: 2011
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:75000
Ordinær pris 149,00 krITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene o.L. Finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
Fra ITM: A map of Indonesia, which offers an overall view of this vast archipelago, over 700 islands. It also shows all sea links between the different îslands, the traveler can move from island to island. Scale 1:2,4 mill. The legend includes: The various roads, airports, seaport, hiking, national park, nature reserve, wildlife sanctuary, marine reserve, Beach, Water sports, Fishing, Coral Sand Volcano, Monument and more. 5th edition 2018.
Publisert år: 2018
Innbinding: falset
Material: Plastpapir
Målestokk: 1:2400000
Indonesia: Bali; Lombok & Komodo
Ordinær pris 169,00 krBali, Lombok and Komodo at 1:150,000 on light, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper, with both topographic and tourist information. The map, part of Reise Know-How's highly acclaimed "World Mapping Project", is double-sided to provide the best balance between a good scale and a convenient size sheet. Each island is presented separately with Bali and Nusa Penida on one side of the map, and on the reverse Lombok plus Komodo with Rinca and the surrounding small islands of the Komodo National Park. A separate small inset also shows the whole of that part of Indonesia.
Topography is indicated by altitude colouring with spot heights and names of mountain ranges and hills. Detailed presentation of the road network includes local tracks and selected footpaths; ferry connections to other islands of the Indonesian archipelago are also marked. Local administrative units are shown with their boundaries and names. National parks and other protected areas are highlighted. A wide range of symbols shows various places of interest including UNESCO sites, temples of various religions, museums and monuments, volcanoes and other natural features, beaches, diving and surfing sites, golf courses, etc. Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at 5 intervals’. Map legend includes English. Each island has a separate index of localities.
- Publisert: 2019
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Plastpapir
- Målestokk: 1:150 000
Indonesia: Jakarta
Ordinær pris 189,00 krDette store østerriske kartforlaget er kjent for sin klare kartografi og gode papirkvalitet. De kommer i alle målestokker, og flere av landkartene inneholder bykart og turistinformasjon.
Publisert år: 2021
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:20000
Indonesia: Lesser Sunda Islands
Ordinær pris 169,00 krOur maps combine state-of-the-art, GPS-compatible cartography (including hypsometric tints and contour lines) with a detailed rendering of road networks and touristic information. They offer the best possible scale, level of detail and readability, be it a map of a small island or half a continent.
The maps feature a detachable paper sleeve so that the maps can be folded easily and fit in every pocket. Although printed on plastic, a special coating makes sure the maps retain a paper-like feel and can even be written on with a pencil.
- Publisert: 2019
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Plastpapir
- Målestokk: 1:800 000
Indonesia: Sulawesi
Ordinær pris 169,00 krTysk kartserie med flotte kart på slitesterkt plastpapir.
Our maps combine state-of-the-art, GPS-compatible cartography (including hypsometric tints and contour lines) with a detailed rendering of road networks and touristic information. They offer the best possible scale, level of detail and readability, be it a map of a small island or half a continent.
The maps feature a detachable paper sleeve so that the maps can be folded easily and fit in every pocket. Although printed on plastic, a special coating makes sure the maps retain a paper-like feel and can even be written on with a pencil.
- Publisert: 2019
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Plastpapir
- Målestokk: 1:800 000
Indonesia: Sumatra
Ordinær pris 259,00 krSumatra at 1:1,100,000 on light, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper, with both topographic and tourist information. The map, part of Reise Know-How's highly acclaimed "World Mapping Project", is double-sided to provide the best balance between a good scale and a convenient size sheet. Coverage includes Bangka and Belitung Islands, plus Riau and Lingga Archipelagoes shown as an inset at the same scale.
Topography is shown by altitude colouring with spot heights and graphics indicating salt flats. Detailed presentation of the road network includes dirt roads and local tracks; railways, local airports and ferry connections to other islands of the Indonesian archipelago are also shown. Local administrative units are shown with their boundaries and names. National parks and other protected areas are highlighted. A wide range of symbols shows various places of interest including UNESCO sites, temples, museums and monuments, hot springs and other natural features, etc. Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at 30’ intervals. The map has an extensive index of localities. Map legend includes English.
- Publisert: Juli 2024
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Plastpapir
- Målestokk: 1:1 100 000
Ordinær pris 169,00 krPublisert måned: Mars
Publisert år: 2016
utgave: -
Innbinding: 0
Material: -
Målestokk: 1:625000
Inland Waterways Map of Great Britain
Ordinær pris 249,00 krThe bestselling guides to Britain's canals and rivers for 50 years. The map companion to the Collins Nicholson Waterways Guides, covering the entire network of canal and river navigations in England, Scotland and Wales, including newly restored/opened canals and rivers. The map identifies: narrow and broad canals; navigable rivers; tidal river navigations; waterways under construction.
- Publisert: Februar 2024
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:550 000
Inland Waterways of France
Ordinær pris 249,00 krFirst published in the 1950s under the editorship of EE Benest and later Konrad Nussbaum, the Imray map of the French inland waterway system has always been regarded as the essential reference for planning a visit to France by boat. It is now superseded by this completely recompiled and redrawn edition by David Edwards-May, the leading authority on World canals and waterways. The new cartography includes improved detail and presents essential information concerning distances and dimensions with a greater clarity than on previous editions.
The map continues to cover the Low Countries and the western part of Germany and now also includes large scale insets of the Paris region and northeast France. The scale remains at 1:1 500 000
- Publisert: 2019
- Materiale: Papir
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Målestokk: 1:1 500 000
Iraq & Kuwait
Ordinær pris 169,00 krTysk kartserie med flotte kart på slitesterkt plastpapir.
Our maps combine state-of-the-art, GPS-compatible cartography (including hypsometric tints and contour lines) with a detailed rendering of road networks and touristic information. They offer the best possible scale, level of detail and readability, be it a map of a small island or half a continent.
The maps feature a detachable paper sleeve so that the maps can be folded easily and fit in every pocket. Although printed on plastic, a special coating makes sure the maps retain a paper-like feel and can even be written on with a pencil.
Publisert år: 2016
Innbinding: falset
Material: Plastpapir
Målestokk: 1:850,000
Ordinær pris 189,00 krIreland at 1:300,000 on a large, double-sided road map from Marco Polo Travel Publishing with enlargements for the environs of Dublin, Cork and Belfast, plus an index booklet with 5 city street plans and brief descriptions of 15 selected top sights, etc. The map divides Ireland north/south, with a generous overlap and Dublin included on both sides. Where appropriate, both Irish and English place names are shown.
Cartography is from the renowned German publishers MairDumont. Road network includes minor roads and local tracks, highlights scenic routes, shows intermediate driving distances on main and secondary roads, motorway services, etc. Railway lines, ferry routes and local airports are included, as well as administrative divisions with names of the counties. Locations of interest are prominently highlighted, with separate colouring for towns or villages and for natural sites. National parks and other protected areas are marked. Multilingual map legend includes English.
Surrounding the map are enlargements showing in greater detail the environs of Dublin, Cork and Belfast. A separate booklet attached to the map cover includes an index which also lists national parks, UNESCO World Heritage sites, airports and amusement parks. The booklet also contains brief descriptions of 15 most interesting locations prominently highlighted on the map, plus street plans of central Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Belfast and Londonderry/Derry.
- Publisert: 2024
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:300 000
Ordinær pris 199,00 krIreland – Irish Republic and Northern Ireland – at 1:350,000 on a light, waterproof and tear-resistant, indexed map from Reise-Know How, published as part of their highly acclaimed World Mapping project. The map divides Ireland north/south, with Dublin included on both sides.
Landscape is presented by light altitude colouring with names of hill ranges and other topographic features and highlighting for national parks and other protected areas. Road network includes local roads, gives driving distances (in kms) on main and secondary roads, and shows locations of petrol stations. Railway lines, ferry links, and local airports are included. Symbols highlight various places of interest including campsites and caravan parks, UNESCO World Heritage sites, archaeological remains, etc. The map has a latitude and longitude grid at intervals of 20’ and an index of place names which includes a separate list of places of interest. Map legend includes English.
- Publisert: 2023
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Plastpapir
- Målestokk: 1:350 000
Ordinær pris 119,00 krLonely Planet Planning Map er slitesterkt og vanntett, med en hendig slipcase og et format som er enkelt å brette. Få mer ut av kartet og reisen din med bilder og informasjon om toppattraksjoner i landet, reiseruteforslag, en transportguide, planleggingsinformasjon, temalister og praktiske reisetips. Med dette brukervennlige navigasjonsverktøyet i baklommen kan du virkelig komme til hjertet av din destinasjon!
- Publisert: April 2024
- Utgave: 2.utg
- Innbinding: Falset
- Material: Plast papir
Israel; Palestine & Holy Land
Ordinær pris 199,00 krDette store østerrikske kartforlaget er kjent for sin klare kartografi og gode papirkvalitet. De kommer i alle målestokker, og flere av landkartene inneholder bykart og turistinformasjon.
- Publisert: 2020
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:150 000